Page 22 - PA_Enterprise_May-June_2021
P. 22


              I’m at the airport, standing in line, waiting for my   morning?!” Point taken, but if you’re one of
              turn to order a much-needed cup of coffee at 6:10   those people who doesn’t want to be cheery and

              a.m. I make my way to the counter and greet the   greet people in the morning, then this is not the
              cashier with a cheery, “Good morning!”            position for you.

              Nothing.                                          The point is that a simple word or two would have
                                                                created INSTANT MAGIC for everyone she dealt
              Thinking she simply didn’t hear me, I repeated,   with. A greeting of “Good morning” or “How may
              “Good morning.”                                   I help you?” (in fact, almost any words) would
                                                                have eliminated the impression of rudeness and
              A glare from her is my return greeting, while     an uncaring attitude that puts off customers and

              she actually clamps her lips together to show     co-workers alike.
              me she is not going to utter one word. Okay, so
              she obviously heard me; she just doesn’t want to   It’s not just “everyone else” who must follow this
              speak to me.                                      practice. We must do it ourselves in our everyday
                                                                lives, as well. For example, I was recently standing
              After completing my purchase, I can’t help myself   in front of the self-service counter and drink
              and comment, “You know, it’s pretty disrespectful   machines (again at the airport) when I spilled

              to intentionally refuse to speak to someone when   coffee on my coat. While I fumbled with bags,
              they speak to you.”                               food, and wet napkins, trying to remove the
                                                                coffee before the stains set, I could feel my fellow
              The manager overhears my comment, asks what       travelers getting a little impatient with me for
              the problem is and apologizes for the cashier     blocking up the area.
              once I explain what happened. (Flash forward
              one week: the same cashier is there, behaving the   I turned and said, “I’m sorry, I just spilled coffee on
              same way to every customer in line, so I buy my   my coat.” INSTANT MAGIC! My fellow travelers
              morning coffee from a different vendor that day,   went from slightly annoyed (and getting more so

              even though I like the first vendor’s coffee better.   as my silence went on) to instantly understanding
              However, on my third visit, I notice that she is no   and extremely helpful! One offered a WetNap
              longer there... big sigh of relief... and I return to my   she had in her bag, while another offered me her
              favorite coffee vendor.)                          cup of water, saying it would be more convenient
                                                                for me to use that (and she was willing to
              I know, some of you are rolling your eyes and     inconvenience herself to go back to the counter
              saying, “How can you be that cheery in the        and request a new cup).

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