Page 21 - PA_Enterprise_December_2020-January_2021
P. 21

PA Enterprise

          Identify patterns                                   you’re going to be more likely to eat them than

          You’re more predictable than you realise, so        if they were tucked away in a cupboard. But this
          there’s probably a pattern behind the behaviour     isn’t about keeping your treats under lock and
          you’re trying to change. And when you identify      key. It’s about visual cues influencing behaviour
          the pattern, you’re halfway there to changing the   and you can use that to your advantage when
          habit. If you think about things you do that you    creating positive new habits. If you intend to
          might want to limit while you’re on a fitness kick,   go to them gym, write yourself a note that says
          such as eating chocolate, ordering takeaways or     something like, ‘Gym, 8am’ and leave it on your
          drinking beer, it’s likely that you do them either   desk or stick it to the fridge - basically leave it
          on the same day each week or at the same time       somewhere you’ll see it multiple times a day
          of day, or when you’re in a particular emotional    because the more you see it the more likely you
          state.                                              are to do it.

          Let’s use takeaways as an example. You might        Focus on ability not motivation
          be in the habit of ordering a takeaway curry        It doesn’t matter how fired up you are about
          every Friday night and you wash that down           getting fit, if you’re not sure how to do it your
          with a few beers. If that’s the case, once you’ve   motivation will soon wane. That’s why it pays
          identified the pattern you can plan in advance      to follow a proven plan because a good plan,
          how you’re going to adjust your behaviour. You      created by an expert you trust, is basically like a
          could, for example, say to yourself that for the    roadmap to your goal. The reality is that if you
          next eight weeks that you’re following a body-      want to make a significant difference to your
          transformation plan, you’re going to put the cash   health and fitness and you’re not following a
          aside that you would have spent on the meal         plan then you’re going to struggle. That may
          and then buy yourself something special as a        sound harsh but I can’t think of a time when
          reward at the end of your workout programme.        I’ve seen someone get great results without
          In the meantime, you could also decide to make      following a structured and progressive plan. To
          a homemade curry on Friday nights so you still      pick the right one, go for something with proof
          get the spice fix while simultaneously upgrading    that it works, something that’s aimed at your
          your cooking skills.
                                                              ability level, and something that feels like it was
          Don’t sweat slip-ups                                made for you.

          You can’t un-eat a biscuit. But you can sabotage    Schedule your workouts
          your progress by beating yourself up about          The biggest thing you can do, once you have
          that biscuit because negative emotion will sap      your plan, is schedule your sessions in advance.
          your motivation. Instead, dust off those biscuit    Every Sunday, spend a couple of minutes
          crumbs and focus on a positive step that you        working out when you can train the following
          can take towards your goal, such as completing      week and write those sessions into your diary
          your next workout. And once you’ve taken that       as if they were immovable work commitments.
          step, celebrate the mini win, because that simple   If you start the week with a vague notion that
          act will provoke a chemical reaction in your        you’ll do three or four workouts at some point or
          brain that makes it easier to repeat the positive   when you get the chance, life will get in the way
          behaviour in the future.
                                                              and those sessions will get missed. But if they’re

          Use visual cues                                     written down in your diary then they’re going to
          If I put an open packet of sweets in front of you,

         PA Enterprise is published by
                                                                           December 2020/January 2021   21
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