Page 26 - PA_Enterprise_December_2020-January_2021
P. 26

PA Enterprise

         on small businesses - one key learning has been      employees in the office, business owners don’t
         the proof that many employees can work from          need to pay for an office that holds capacity for
         anywhere, any time. Even as vaccines become          the whole team.
         available, it’s unlikely we will go back to the office   “Looking at the wider recruitment strategy for
         full time. The demand for full-time office work      businesses in 2021, by spring - when we will
         simply isn’t there. Business leaders therefore need   hopefully begin to see it pick up - there will be a
         to ensure they are equipping their staff with the    huge influx of job applications. As businesses will
         skills to manage and operate in a hybrid team.       start to open their recruiting doors again. While
         The workforce structure itself is also changing,     we have seen mass job losses, we will likely, and
         and we’ll see this coming to fruition in 2021.       hopefully, witness a mass hiring spree. 
         Many businesses don’t want to take the risk of       A recent report has suggested that throughout
         hiring full-time employees to meet spikes in         COVID-19, firms have been spurred to look
         work that may prove transient - so we believe the    inwards for appropriate talent. And this will most
         year ahead will bring with it a continued trend      likely be the case for larger businesses throughout
         towards agility. Bringing freelance specialists in   2021. They have the capability and funds to invest
         to fully digitised workflows to help cope with this   in wider learning and development programmes;
         extra demand is something we’ve seen many            building up their current employees’ skills, rather
         businesses doing through 2020 - and expect the       than them having to outsource for new talent. 
         trend to continue to grow through 2021.
                                                              However, SMEs that are suffering financially, may
         More businesses will recognise the value of hiring   have to adopt new recruitment strategies. Either
         freelancers as a solution to filling in the skills gap   paying less in the long-run by outsourcing talent
         they may have in their immediate teams. Opting       - which may take far more time and money than
         to hire freelancers rather than full-time employees   they ideally would like to spend. Or automating
         will help small businesses be able to acquire an     inefficient processes and utilising the skills they
         agile, on-demand workforce which can help with       currently have in their current workforce. Each
         their wider business goals without affecting their   business is different, and will need to do what is
         cash flow.
                                                              right for them. 
         More support to help employees manage their          “The success, or failure, of managing employee
         wellbeing                                            health and wellbeing will also be a massive trend

         Dean Sadler, CEO and Founder at Tribepad, said:      in 2021. 2020 has put a huge amount of pressure
                                                              on employees’ mental state, with the impact of
         The one trend we cannot ignore is our new style      COVID-19 putting a pause on many career goals. It
         of working. Remote working is here to stay. For      will be HR teams and line managers’ roles to help
         many, it brings that work / life balance we have     employees manage the implications the crisis
         come to appreciate. However, whilst lockdown         has had on their wellbeing. Especially those who
         has taken away the commute, it has also taken        were put on furlough, who haven’t been working
         us away from basic human interactions. The           for months on end. It has been an uncertain time
         cornerstone of successful working relationships.     for all, but there are plenty of ways businesses

         Looking forward, we will try to get the best of      can help employees maintain positive mental
         both worlds. The option of working from home,        health. Regular one-to-one catch ups, or mental
         with the reassurance of having an assigned desk      health first aiders and support groups, will go a
         in the office. But times are tough, and money        long way in supporting those in need during this
         needs to be spent wisely, which is why we will       challenging time.
         see a rise in hub offices next year. With fewer

                                                                                     PA Enterprise is published by
     26  December 2020/January 2021
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