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PA Enterprise

          to show off your writing and digital skills to      your CV, make sure all the videos on your channel
          potential employers.                                are appropriate for potential employers to see.
          Recruiters want to see candidates who are           Side hustles
          creative and passionate outside of the office
          walls. So if you’re not yet doing so, make it your   Nowadays, it’s normal for talented self-starters
          New Year’s resolution, as there can be many         to have a successful side hustle alongside their
          benefits to blogging.                               full or part-time job. People often leave side-
                                                              projects out of their CV. This is because they
          You could start a blog with topics or opinion       fear appearing like they have ‘eggs in too many
          pieces related to your professional industry to     baskets’ or that it somehow appears disloyal. But
          prove your interest and depth of knowledge.         this couldn’t be further from the truth!
          But what if your blog isn’t relevant to the         Showing that you’re an entrepreneur with the
          role you’re applying to? Well, a well-designed      initiative and commitment to juggle multiple
          website full of perfectly-written, traffic-worthy   projects and earn money off your own back is
          SEO-optimised blogs displays some great, ultra-     sure to command attention. Make it clear that
          current, transferable skills anyway. Make sure to   your side hustle has shaped you into a fantastic
          include it in your CV.                              multi-tasker with a varied range of professional
                                                              and business skills.
          YouTube channels
                                                              Don’t forget to quantify your side-hustle
          Content creation is one of the most in-demand
          skills right now. So, if you’ve got a successful    achievements, too. If you made extra income
          YouTube channel, you should definitely brag         by writing blogs for a local business, by how
          about it on your CV.                                much did this boost their website traffic? Maybe
                                                              you have an online business designing flyers or
          Having the courage and passion to put yourself      brochures – did these help your clients to gain
          out there and build a community of followers is     more leads or make sales? Focusing on results
          sure to impress recruiters. Plus, if you’ve garnered   proves your impact to potential employers.
          a following, you’ve probably developed some
          fantastic skills, too. Think video production,      If you want to get in the job hunting game in
          editing, design, public speaking, social media      2020 and beyond, may sure you keep up with
          management and marketing.                           these CV trends – good luck!

          If you do decide to list your YouTube channel on                  By Andrew Fennell

         PA Enterprise is published by
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