Page 16 - PA_Enterprise_December_2020-January_2021
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PA Enterprise

          Talk it over                                        Do it badly
          Covid-19 has made it a lot harder to be with        Optimists live longer, have better relationships
          others in person, and winter can make it harder     and better immune systems, says Olivia Remes of
          still. That’s a big issue for millions of people and   Cambridge University. And the good news is you
          the mental health consequences for some will be     can cultivate optimism: an inner sense that you
          serious. So it’s a good idea to maximise the little   can make a difference to your life, and that it’s not
          social contact that is available.                   all down to things outside your control. How? Her
          “We’re not really designed to be on our own,”       number one tip is the principal of “do it badly”.
          says Professor Emerita Elizabeth Kuipers, of King’s   In other words don’t wait to do things perfectly at
          College London. “We’re socially-oriented. We feel   the right time on the right day. That’s even more
          better with social contact.” Talking problems over   important in winter when gloomy weather might
          when you can is a good idea, but the key thing is   make you think twice about doing something.
          how it’s done, she says.                            “Our inner voice of criticism continually stops us
          “Going over problems again and again, just          from doing worthwhile things”, she says. “Jump
          rehearsing how terrible you feel, may not help      straight into action. Do things and accept that
          at all. Talking things through with someone who     they might initially be done badly. When you do
          can help you reframe your problems, and help        that, most of the time the results are actually are
          you move through them can be much more              not that bad - and they’re almost always better
          helpful.”                                           than doing nothing.”

          Isolated people are more likely to focus on         Olivia’s other tips include writing down three
          themselves, says Professor Kuipers, and that        things each day that you’re grateful about, to
          can make things worse. So reach out when you        force yourself to focus on what’s gone well and
          can, and if Covid-19 means you can’t do that        why. It’ll fire up the left hand side of your brain
          in person, make that phone call to a friend, or     which is associated with positivity.
          arrange to talk online.                             “Emotions are contagious”, she says, so “if you can,

                                                              gently steer away from negative, miserable people
                                                              who are constantly complaining”, because you’ll
                                                              find yourself becoming one of those people too.

                                                                                     PA Enterprise is published by
     16  December 2020/January 2021
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