Page 26 - AdminAdvantage__September_October_2021
P. 26


              come from groups of people who would normally     in your life would love to start a business if
              have diametrically opposed political views.       only they weren’t so beholden to the everyday
              For example, one of the best known modern         pressures of working long hours to pay the bills

              proponents of UBI is Andrew Yang, an American     and support their families?
              tech entrepreneur who recently ran to be the
              Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential      If by the 2050s, UBI has been successfully
              election, while on the other side of the political   implemented in a number of countries, how
              divide, support for UBI has come from the         many people across the world would have been
              neoliberal economist Milton Friedman, and the     able to use the extra freedoms afforded to them
              political scientist Charles Murray, whose views   in terms of both time and finances, to start
              on the issue of race relations could generously   businesses and pursue their true calling?
              be described as ‘controversial’.                  With some of the pressure to pay household

                                                                bills and expenses relieved, how many bold new
              It is also worth noting that the American state   services and groundbreaking products would be
              of Alaska, which is heavily conservative, has     developed by skilled and educated individuals,
              had a form of UBI since 1982. Every year,         who all of a sudden had more time to work on
              residents of Alaska receive up to $2000 simply    their passion projects?
              for living there, with barely any conditions
              attached. What’s more, studies have shown that    THE FUTURE IS YOURS

              Alaska’s UBI program has helped to wipe out       Whatever your views are on any of the ideas I’ve
              extreme poverty in the state, without increasing   presented in this article, it’s worth remembering
              unemployment.                                     that nothing is inevitable, and that the world
                                                                of the 2050s will be shaped by the actions and
              RELEASING THE SHACKLES                            desires of ordinary people, all across the world.
              The relative merits of UBI, and how it should be   As Abraham Lincoln said, ‘the best way to predict
              implemented, are issues which require serious     the future is to create it.’
              studying and many more words of explanation
              than I am afforded for this article, but there is

              one more point which is vital to understand
              in the context of UBI and how it may affect          This article was produced by Alex Belsey
              business in the 2050s.                               of New Frontiers Marketing

              Consider for a second how many frustrated
              entrepreneurs you know. How many people

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