Page 21 - AdminAdvantage__September_October_2021
P. 21
Casting an eye into the future and speculating
how the world may look at that time, is never an
easy task - there are simply too many variables
involved. New technologies which no-one saw
coming may be pulled from the aether, while
existing fields which have substantial growth
potential, may fail to develop as expected. A good
example of this is 3D films; time and again they’ve
been touted as the future of the film industry
because production companies have thought
consumers would jump at the chance to become
more immersed in the worlds that films create.
While this is true to an extent, the popularity of
3D films is currently declining quite significantly
- as it has done several times before. Instead,
consumers seem far keener to increase the
resolution they can watch their 2D content on,
which is seen in the meteoric rise of 4K and UHD
televisions over recent years.
Personally, I always enjoy looking at current
trends and ideas, and considering how they
may progress over time, so I can form a mental
picture of how the future might look if things
continue on their current path.
Applying this approach to the workplace
is simple enough to do, because recently
there have been a great many new ideas and
perspectives on how the world of work should
develop over coming decades, proposed by
politicians, academics, think tanks and business
leaders, among others.
OBER 2021