Page 22 - AdminAdvantage__September_October_2021
P. 22


              By considering these new ideas, and taking the    substantial increase in the number of people who
              changes which have already happened in the        have become self-employed, work multiple jobs,
              workplace over recent years one step further, this   have a side-business on top of their day job, or

              is how the workplace of the 2050s might look...   take on freelance work in their spare time.
                                                                All these factors are combining to produce a
              REMOTE WORKING - THE NEW NORMAL?                  vast number of highly productive, well trained
              Remote working is rapidly on the rise all over the   and well-educated workers, who do not need to
              world, and the stats are striking. For example,   be physically present at the office of a primary
              a 2019 study by Forbes found that there has       employer between the hours of 9am and 5pm,
              been a 159% rise in remote working in the USA     Monday to Friday.
              since 2007, while the same study estimates that
              before 2020 is over, 50% of the UK workforce      However, many people who enjoy working

              will work remotely, at least part of the time.    from home do not enjoy working alone, and this
              Allied to this development, is the decline across   has caused a massive rise in co-working over
              much of the western world of the traditional ‘job   recent years.
              for life’, whereby employees stayed with same
              employer throughout their working life, and       The growth of co-working spaces looks well-
              their concept of career progression was seeking   set to continue into the 2050s and beyond if,
              a promotion within the same company.              as expected, more and more of the workforce

                                                                begin working remotely. Indeed, as co-working
              The reasons for this decline are complex and      spaces become busy activity hubs populated by
              multifaceted, but it is something which has arisen   skilled and enterprising people from a variety
              in part due to the desires of both employers      of different backgrounds, it is only natural that
              - who responded to economic recessions by         these people connect, network and synergise
              calling for greater flexibility with regards to   with each other - all of which means co-working
              labour rights - and employees - who responded     spaces could become a fertile source of fresh
              to a decades-long period of wage stagnation by    innovations and vibrant new startups all over the
              becoming more willing to switch employers (or     world, not just Silicon Valley.

              even careers) in search of greater opportunities
              and better working conditions.                    THE 4 DAY WORKWEEK
                                                                Even for those people who have jobs where
              As well as the decay of the ‘job for life’        remote working is not an option, changes in
              contributing to greater flexibility for both      their working patterns may be afoot, as the
              employers and employees, it has caused a          idea of switching to a 4 day workweek has been

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