Page 24 - AdminAdvantage__September_October_2021
P. 24


              else along a similar line. Even today, self-driving   invention of social media platforms has created
              cars are semi-operational, and with the amount    the job of Social Media Manager, which is a

              of research funding that is currently being       position that would not have been close to
              invested into making fully functional self-driving   existing even 20 years ago. And returning to
              vehicles not just a reality, but the norm, sooner   the example of the industrial revolution - this
              rather than later, it seems logical to suggest that   is a development which created an enormous
              by the 2050s the vast majority of driving jobs will   number of new employment opportunities in
              be done by robots, not humans.                    factories and mills, while eradicating many of the

                                                                existing jobs in farming and agriculture.
              NO-ONE IS SAFE!
              By no means is this a phenomenon which is         However, the sheer scale of the automations

              unique to the automotive industry. Across all     which will almost certainly come over the next
              industries and all walks of life, the expectation   few decades, may present a challenge of the like
              is that robots will be doing the jobs that people   we have not seen before. For example, a 2015
              currently do, within the next few decades.        study by the Bank of England estimated that

                                                                nearly 50% of the UK’s workforce risk having
              For example, a 2019 study by Oxford Economics     their job automated away, with those most
              found that 20 million jobs in the manufacturing   vulnerable working in admin, manufacturing,

              industry alone could be automated away before     clerical, care, and customer service jobs.
              2030, and that many of the people working
              these jobs would then tend to seek employment     CRISIS MANAGEMENT
              in related industries which are also highly       AND FREE MONEY FOR ALL
              vulnerable to automation.                         With so many people at risk of having not just
                                                                their jobs, but their careers, automated away,
              In truth, this scenario of widespread global job   the next question that arises is, ‘how do we
              losses is not as cataclysmic as it may appear,    respond to this?’
              because ever since capitalism has become the

              primary method by which human societies have      One potential solution which has gained support
              organised their economies, innovations and        from people on all sides of the political spectrum,
              technological advancements have created new       is the idea of a universal basic income (UBI).
              employment opportunities, as well as eliminating   UBI can be defined as, ‘a model for providing all
              existing ones.                                    citizens of a country or other geographic area
                                                                with a given sum of money, regardless of their
              A commonly cited example of this, is how the      income, resources or employment status,’ while

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