Page 28 - AdminAdvantage__September_October_2021
P. 28
- As the days become shorter our melatonin
HOW CAN WE BOOST OUR AUTUMN MOOD? and seratonin levels are affected. This is where
- What are your expectations of autumn, dog walkers have a distinct advantage, as they
the factors that have shaped your existing often take their dogs for regular walks, whatever
mindset? For some it’s their favourite season; the weather. Try to emulate the dog walker
the thought of wrapping up warm, kicking and get outside, even for short breaks, so that
through falling leaves on a woodland walk, you experience some daylight, improve your
mugs of hot chocolate, board games around seratonin levels and hence your mood.
a fire. For others it’s a gloomy, miserable
season filled with dark days of nothing to look - Keep in touch with close friends and family so
forward to. How do you feel? Remember that that you’re able to talk if you’re feeling down,
your childhood memories and experiences in need of some light relief or need a little
don’t need to be replicated as you move into human contact in your life. Share your fears and
adulthood. Now you can make your own choices concerns, especially in this present climate and
and use your ability to take control of your agree to be supportive of each other. It often
environment. Why not choose to boost your helps to know you’re not alone and that others
autumn mood? are thinking of you.