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PA Enterprise
3. My Gratitude Journal • Reduce your daily stress and anxiety.
Gratitude makes people • Help you stay focused and drive away
happier. There are a lot of distractions.
things to be grateful for, • Increase your compassion toward other
and there are a lot of ways people.
to practice being grateful.
One of the best amongst The Headspace app offers a variety of meditation
these is journaling. guides—from basic to advanced—for the
different aspects of your life. These include sleep,
My Gratitude Journal takes journaling to a more work, happiness, and a lot more. If you feel like
advanced level. While some people may enjoy you’re about to get burned out, the app has you
the traditional pen-and-paper method, there are covered—it has a meditation guide for that, too!
those who would probably prefer to have a diary
on their tablets or smartphones. Overall, this happiness and meditation app
teaches you how to breathe properly, meditate
To use the app, you need to download it and then mindfully, and live your life fully. In addition to
create an account through Facebook, Twitter, or meditation guidelines, it also has exercise plans
an email account. For your first journal entry, you that can help you manage your stress, regularize
have to upload a photo, type a description of the your breathing, and generally make your life
things you are grateful for, and then add your happy.
Even if you do not know how to meditate, the
Every day, you keep track of five things you are app can help you learn to do so. It offers courses
grateful for. You will be sent notifications and that teach meditation, breathing techniques, and
rewards so you can develop the journaling habit. even better sleep quality and personal growth.
Likewise, you may set daily reminders, search for
inspirational quotes, and revisit your past entries
through the app.
5. MoodKit
Note, however, that the app is only available
for iOS users. The company behind it has yet to MoodKit was designed
develop an Android version. and developed by two
clinical psychologists: Dr.
Drew Erhardt and Dr. Edrick
Dorian (the same creators
4. Headspace as Moodnotes). It adheres
Headspace explains its to the principles and
purpose in its very short yet techniques of cognitive-
sincere tagline: “Your guide behavioral therapy, which is considered to be one
to health and happiness.” of the most effective methods of psychotherapy.
It aims to help you live MoodKit is an app that allows you to track your
a healthier, more rested, mood and then assess it through journaling.
and happier life with its It is like having your own cognitive-behavioral
mindfulness meditation psychologist in your pocket.
and exercise guides.
Through this app, you can rate and record your
Through its guided meditation techniques, the mood throughout the day. Likewise, you can
happiness app has three main goals:
Continued u
PA Enterprise is published by
February/March 2021 17