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PA Enterprise
The 10 Best Happiness
Apps for 2021
Looking for the best happiness apps to increase your overall life satisfaction?
These apps can help you track your moods to give you a glimpse of what you
need to improve.
Article by
1. Happify 2. SuperBetter
Founded by three serial SuperBetter was originally
entrepreneurs (Tomer founded and invented by
Ben-Kiki, Ofer Leidner, and Jane McGonigal, a researcher
Andy Parsons) in New York and game designer. She
City in 2012, Happify aims is also a TED Talker and a
to change people’s lives by bestselling writer.
providing ways to become In 2015, the game was
happier. As stated by its acquired by Keith Wakeman, who turned it into
founders, the purpose of the app is to use gaming a corporation now known as SuperBetter, LLC.
and technology to build a better life for its users.
Along with the game, Wakeman also acquired the
After you download the app and create an trust of McGonigal, who is now the company’s
account, Happify will score your happiness based chief science officer.
on a questionnaire. The questions are all about The app aims to help people build grit and
the smallest details in your life, particularly your resilience, and develop the ability to stay strong,
health. Then, the app provides you with a series persistent, and positive despite all the challenges
of tracks that you can use to start living a healthy, that life may throw at them. It is based on a
stress-free life. framework called Live Gamefully, which brings
Every track has a theme that is further divided out your heroic strengths and gives you a better
into parts. Each part is then divided into various mindset.
sets of activities, including guided meditations, SuperBetter works by providing you with daily
writing assignments, and exciting games. As a activities that you can track until you reach your
basic free user, you are entitled to a few tracks goal. It uses a point system, and you gain points
with limited access. If you upgrade to the for each step you complete. Such steps include
premium product (Happify Plus), you get to enjoy taking a walk or drinking a glass of water.
unlimited access to more than 30 tracks.
What’s great about this app is that you can
Happify is available on desktop, tablet, and actually be a superhero if you like—you can
mobile. If you want to start increasing your collect power-ups, win against bad guys, and get
happiness based on scientific evidence-based help from friends and allies.
research, you might want to try this app.
PA Enterprise is published by
16 February/March 2021