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PA Enterprise

          take notes of your observations about those         7. Unique Daily Affirmations
          moods and assess yourself at the end of the                               Brought to you by Gopher
          day. Additionally, the app provides a list of daily                       Apps LLC, this unique and
          activities you can do and a number of tips you                            creative app gives you
          can follow to increase your life satisfaction and                         “unique daily affirmations”
          happiness.                                                                to help you face challenges,
          MoodKit aims to develop self-awareness and                                succeed in your endeavors,
          healthy attitudes. Moreover, it wishes to change                          and create a positive vibe in
          people’s lives by changing the way they think                             your life.
          and feel.                                           You only get one affirmation per day, which you
                                                              need to say out loud. The developers recommend
                                                              speaking the affirmation and repeating it over
          6. Track Your Happiness                             and over again to stimulate your mind. It has
                               Invented by Matt               been scientifically proven that the more you
                               Killingsworth during           repeat information, the more your mind retains it.
                               his doctoral research at       Throughout the day, your subconscious mind will
                               Harvard University, this       preserve the affirmation. As a result, you will have
                               app aims to make use           a positive attitude toward whatever comes your
                               of modern technology           way.
                               to answer the age-old
                               question: “What makes          To use the app, just press the large gray button
          people happy?”                                      to reveal your affirmation for the day. You may
                                                              share, save, view, or skip the affirmation by
          Killingsworth believes that the true meaning of     tapping the bottom left icon. You may also add
          happiness is different for everyone. The factors    your own affirmation by tapping on the bottom
          affecting happiness vary depending on what is       left part of the icon that says “Add Your Own.”
          important for each person, and these factors are
          exactly what the app wants to discover.

          Every day, the app sends you questions about        8. Daylio
          what you are doing and feeling at the moment.                             If you want to try journaling
          For every 50 responses, you will get a happiness                          without using too many
          report so you can recognize exactly what makes                            words, Daylio is perhaps
          you feel the happiest. Moreover, you will know                            the best app to try. More
          when and where you are feeling the best.                                  than a simple happiness

          Track Your Happiness is an app approved by                                app, it is an award-winning,
          the Harvard University Committee for use with                             mood-tracking app that
          human subjects. If you want to know more,                                 allows you to record your
          developer Matt Killingsworth has a TED Talk         emotions by choosing the best videos.
          about it.                                           Daylio offers you a variety of videos to choose

                                                              from. These videos depict your moods, so you
                                                              only have to select the one that best reflects
                                                              what you are feeling. As such, the app is best for
                                                              people who are more visual.

                                                              Daylio features a “statistics and calendar” tool that

                                                                                     PA Enterprise is published by
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