Page 13 - PA_Enterprise_February-March_2021
P. 13

PA Enterprise

          their mental health and wellbeing. Make sure        The lack of face to face contact and spontaneous
          to cater for those who need a break from home,      interaction that happens in the physical office is
          whether this is the ability to work in the office or   being felt by workers across the globe, as social
          initiatives to help restore balance and adequately   isolation takes a toll on our collective mental
          resource workers.                                   health. Make sure to proactively maintain your
                                                              company culture remotely – as this is no longer
          3. Supply the tools needed to work effectively      supported by physical togetherness – and
          If your organisation has instituted a working       enhance the social aspects of work to mitigate
          from home policy, it is vital that employees        against loneliness.
          are supplied with the tools they need to work
          effectively. Whether that’s an ergonomic chair, a   4. Prevent burnout and fatigue
          proper desk, or a second monitor, it is unrealistic   As the blurring of our work and home lives can
          to expect employees to work to a high standard      lead to longer working hours and less physical
          if they are not equipped to do so. In addition to   movement, it is crucial that team leaders take an
          the physical tools required to work effectively,
          employees need mental tools too.                                                         Continued u

         PA Enterprise is published by
                                                                                    February/March 2021   13
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