Page 8 - PA_Enterprise_February-March_2021
P. 8

PA Enterprise

            Do employees have ‘the

                 right to log off’ while

                 working from home?

            The pandemic has led to an increase in home working and people feeling
                         obliged to be contactable outside their normal hours.

          As our homes have become offices, classrooms,       employees to burn out, having a negative impact
          gyms and relaxation spaces all rolled into one, it   on both their physical and mental health. 
          is easy for the lines between work and home to
          become blurred.                                     Tired and stressed employees are more likely to
          Many people feel more of an obligation to be        make mistakes 
          contactable outside of their normal working         As well as the impact on the individual, it
          hours, because remote working technology            should be considered whether this is a healthy
          means it is always possible. People are also        environment for a business to thrive in.
          neglecting their annual leave, as they are unable   Employees who are tired and stressed out are
          to travel anywhere, so feel they may as well work.   more likely to make mistakes and less likely to be
          Pressures at work might also be high, as many       productive during the time they are working. 
          businesses struggle through the pandemic.           A burnt out employee may also need to take

          However, over time, these pressures – coupled       periods off work to recover. On top of that,
          with longer working hours – can cause               there are also potential legal consequences for
                                                                               employers who expect their
                                                                               employees to be available at
                                                                               any time of day or night while
                                                                               they are working from home.

                                                                               The right to log off is not
                                                                               currently set out in UK law.
                                                                               However, it may only be a
                                                                               matter of time, as cases arising
                                                                               in France and Ireland have been
                                                                               held in favour of the employee,
                                                                               with one UK company in France
                                                                               being ordered to pay a former
                                                                               employee €60,000 for extensive
                                                                               remote working outside their
                                                                               normal working hours. 

                                                                                     PA Enterprise is published by
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