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PA Enterprise

          you can just Hide your Likes, Groups and Check-     With social media safety in mind, what if those
          ins sections if you don’t want recruiters finding   photos you regularly uploaded were used by
          this info either.                                   one of your ‘friends’ to create a fake account and
          You can also hide individual groups if you think    steal your identity? It’s serious stuff, and most of
          being a member of such an elaborately titled        us simply don’t understand the power of social
          group could be particularly incriminating; you      media. Once it’s on the internet, it’s there forever.
          can choose to unlike pages too if you think         So to shed a little optimism on the issue, you
          they might have the same effect. If anything,       should have a friends clear out to try and avoid
          this is just a chance for a major Facebook clean-   this fate. Get rid of anyone you haven’t spoken
          up generally, in addition to prepping for a job     to in an age and a half, anyone you wouldn’t
          search!                                             speak to if you saw them out and about, and
                                                              most importantly, get rid of those randomers you
          Friends                                             thought you’d accept just to raise the number on

          Do you have as many friends in real life as you     your friends list!
          do on Facebook? Congratulations if you do, but
          for the most part, I’m pretty sure that a large     Twitter
          chunk of our Facebook friends are just people       As you’d expect, when there’s Facebook there’s
          we’d either like to keep in touch with or stalk a   Twitter. Typically for younger generations, Twitter
          little for gossip every now and again. If you’ve got   is a platform people use to rant about the world
          500, 800, 1000+ friends though, you need to be      in 140 characters or less. You don’t, however,
          careful.                                            want recruiters or employers to find your past

          Do you trust everyone on your friends list with     tweets explicitly expressing your hatred for your
          your personal information? As social media is       ex’s new lover.
          such a big part of our lives, it might just seem    Twitter can be used to your advantage when
          harmless posting photos of you, your family or      job hunting so you need to have a clean-up and
          friends. But what if a mortifying photo from a      make it a professional platform rather than an
          couple of years back reappears through Timehop      emotional outlet.
          and one of your ‘friends’ decides to post it on your
          wall for a recruiter to see? Not good.    

                                                                                     PA Enterprise is published by
     6  February/March 2021
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