Page 12 - PA_Enterprise_February-March_2021
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PA Enterprise

          Employers need to re-focus on

            their long-term strategies for

                                 remote working

            More so than any other year in recent memory, 2020 presented challenge

             after challenge for businesses in every industry. One key change is mass

            remote working, which has led to a significant shift in perceptions around
         flexible working, and the demand for comprehensive flexible working policies
                     – both now and in the future – has increased exponentially.

          The initial rush to adapt to the Covid-19 outbreak   company updates and goals. If 50% of employees
          resulted in a hasty, short-term response to         are going to be able to go into the office from
          remote and flexible working, so employers now       February, communicate this – and the reasons
          need to re-focus on their long-term strategies.     behind it – as soon as you have the information,
          Contrary to popular belief, flexible working is not   rather than at the end of January. Clear dialogue
          a cure-all for workplace issues – and can, in fact,   keeps everyone better informed and – crucially -
          exacerbate many.                                    also helps everyone feel like they are part of the
                                                              same team.
          To best support employees, businesses need
          to improve communication, consider work/life        2. Support work/life balance management
          balance, and understand external pressures:         Flexible working usually comprises, at least in

                                                              part, employees working from home – which, if
          1. Listen to your employees                         managed poorly, can damage work/life balance,
          When planning any business policy, much less        disadvantage certain groups, and exacerbate
          one that completely shapes the way individuals      gender inequalities. Home working eliminates
          work, it is hard to underestimate the importance    the distance between home and work – both
          of listening to your employees. It sounds simple,   physically and mentally. While some employees
          but this is where many leaders fail. Working        may thrive in this situation, others suffer from a
          on assumptions, statistics, or executive insight    lack of physical space, necessary equipment, and
          alone can lead to policies that alienate workers    mental distancing.
          by misunderstanding their needs. Instead,
          starting conversations with individuals or small    This is often the case for younger and less
          groups helps to inform employers about the          financially established employees, who may be
          real experiences of their workforce, and their      flat-sharing or working in small makeshift spaces.
          perspective on flexible working.                    When given the choice between being home or
                                                              office-based, these employees may choose home
          This communication should go both ways, with        working for financial reasons – such as to save on
          managers being as transparent as possible about     the cost of commuting – even if this may damage

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