Page 10 - AdminAdvantage__September_October_2021
P. 10


              you want to see, take some time to visit the      stood out to you that you would want to try
              exhibit hall. Exhibitors take the time to be at the   implementing at your staffing company. This
              conference as a resource to you. You may find     meeting can be used for discussion and even

              some vendors you didn’t know existed or come      as a brainstorming session to see how you can
              across a product or service that will be beneficial   put these ideas into action, specifically at your
              for your company. Exhibitors help you learn       company. At the end of the meeting, be sure to
              about the resources and technology available to   have an action plan and delegate tasks so the
              you to help your business grow. If anything, you   ideas, don’t just remain ideas. This last step
              can take home some cool swag!                     can be one of the most important steps, where
                                                                your learnings become part of your company
              MAKE A TRIP OF IT                                 strategy. Soon after you may even begin to see a
              For the past year and a half, we have been stuck   tangible return on your investment!

              in the life of COVID. You may not have been
              able to take a lot of trips or have a getaway. A   SEE YOU THERE!
              conference is the perfect opportunity to turn     I hope you found this check list helpful as you
              it into a longer trip! Either before or after the   prepare to attend staffing conferences this
              conference, stay a few extra days in the area. You   fall! Conferences present a rare opportunity
              can even invite the whole family to come out and   for staffing companies to take a step back and
              join you for a mini family vacation!              really dive into the state of the industry to learn
                                                                about where the industry is heading and current

              Hold a Lunch and Learn When You are Back          trends. Sometimes it’s hard to step back and
              Once you return to the office hold a lunch and    see your business from a fresh pair of eyes, as
              learn session with your team. This is a chance for   you are busy going about day-to-day activities.
              the whole team to also learn from the tips and    Conferences though help you begin to think
              ideas you brought home from the conference.       outside of the box and help you come up with
              You and other attendees can put together your     new initiatives to take back with you. And let’s
              notes and present key takeaways. Bringing back    not forget about the exhibitors available to you
              all of the knowledge with you and sharing it with   to show you technology and services available to

              your team, is one of the best ways to get the     help your business thrive!
              most bang for your buck!

                                                                   President and CEO of Automated Business Designs, Inc.
              After your lunch and learn session, hold a
                                                                   (ABD). ABD is the developer of Ultra-Staff software for
              follow-up meeting to discuss any ideas that
                                                                   the staffing industry. Terri has worked with the staffing
                                                                   industry for 30+ years. Prior to ABD Terri worked for
                                                                   Electronic Data Systems (EDS).
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