Page 14 - AdminAdvantage__September_October_2021
P. 14


              I was disappointed. For you see, these are        our word choice and tone of voice to ask for
              my trouble spots. I struggle with keeping it      help; resolve domestic issues without violence;
              together with my word choice and tone of voice    lovingly raise our children without abusing them;

              in frustrating situations - especially with my    and speak power and positivity into our lives and
              loved ones.                                       the lives of others.

              Over the years, I have gotten better at using the   The next time you find yourself frustrated in a
              appropriate word choice and tone of voice in      conversation with someone, I ask you to do as I
              frustrating situations. Unfortunately, based on the   will do, become mindful of your word choice and
              conversation with my boyfriend, I realized I had a   tone of voice.
              relapse and my trouble spots had resurfaced.
                                                                This will help you to have a healthy, respectful,

              Instead of beating myself up, I thanked him for   and results-oriented conversation in which you
              being honest with me. I apologized to him with a   will not regret.
              hug and kiss. Then I acknowledged the incident
              as an opportunity for growth.
                                                                   Cassandra “D.I.V.A. of Dialog™” Lee
                                                                   is a champion for the education and
              I made a mental note to myself to be mindful of
                                                                   empowerment of professional audiences
              how my frustrations influence my word choice
                                                                   worldwide. As a self-development expert,
              and tone of voice. I made a promise to myself to
                                                                   inspirational speaker, corporate trainer,
              practice effective communication no matter how       published author, and career coach,
              frustrated I may feel.                               she uses “Divine Inspiration Vocally
                                                                   Applied™” to provide strategies and
              How about you?                                       solutions for personal growth and career
              Have you recently said the wrong thing to            success. Whether in her live seminars,
                                                                   workshops, keynote speeches, training
              someone you love?
                                                                   sessions, coaching sessions, published
                                                                   articles, or virtual trainings, she is
              Have you allowed your tone of voice to ruin          committed to providing you with down-

              your conversations?                                  to-earth practical solutions you can use
                                                                   for personal and professional success.
              These are frustrating times which call for the       To book her to present at your upcoming
              effective use of our communication skills. We        live or virtual event, visit http://www.
              must be conscious of the words we speak and
              the tone in which we speak them. We can use

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