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                            Attending Staffing

                                 Conferences This

                              Fall? Get the Most

                         Bang for Your Buck

                                                                                              By Terri Roeslmeier

                         t’s that time of year again           most out of the conference is important.
                         when companies are preparing          You don’t want to spend the time and
                         to attend all of the major fall       money to attend a conference if you
                         staffing conferences! With            aren’t receiving a lot back in return. So,
                  Iconferences taking place in a               how do you make the most out of your

                  virtual environment last year, there is      fall conferences? Below is a check list
                  even more anticipation to finally be back    of ways you can prepare, things to do
                  to in-person events this year. Whether       during it, and follow-up items after the
                  you are attending one of the national        show, to help you get the greatest return
                  conferences or a local one, making the       on your investment!

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