Page 7 - AdminAdvantage__September_October_2021
P. 7


              Research Presenters and Sessions Ahead of Time    to visit, try scheduling an appointment with them
              Before you arrive at the conference, check out    ahead of time as well. Conferences are a great

              the sessions ahead of time and select which ones   time to talk to vendors in the industry. If you
              you want to attend if multiple are taking place   have an appointment ahead of time, they will
              at the same time. You don’t want to land up in    be able to tailor your meeting to your company
              a session that is irrelevant or not valuable to   and better prepare to meet with you, then if you
              you after spending money to attend. Attend the    were to just stop by. Some vendors will even
              sessions that you will get the most out of. Check   show you a demonstration at the conference if
              to see if there is a conference app to download   you wish to see a demo of their product. By the
              as well. Conference apps will usually show the    end of your meeting, you will hopefully have a
              schedule, exhibitors, a map, etc. Sometimes there   good understanding if they are a company you

              is even an option to network and connect with     want to look further into partnering with!
              other attendees in the app itself!
                                                                DISCONNECT FROM THE OFFICE
              DIVIDE AND CONQUER                                As hard as it might be, try to disconnect from
              If you plan to attend the conference with other   your email and phone during the sessions. You
              co-worker’s, plan to divide and conquer the       can take any needed time to respond back to
              schedule. You will get the most of out of the     emails and make calls during your breaks. If

              conference if you split up and attend different   you are multitasking throughout the session,
              sessions. You can then regroup after the session   it will be hard to pay attention and retain the
              and once you arrive back at the office to educate   information being discussed. There is almost no
              one another on what was discussed.                point of even attending if the time isn’t spent
                                                                focused on the presentations.
              Conferences are a good time to connect with       To avoid distractions, simply turn your phone off
              other staffing professionals you know in the      or put it on silent. Also, remember to put your
              industry. If there are a few contacts you want    out of office on stating you will be unavailable.

              to connect with, reach out to them ahead of       That way anyone trying to get in touch with
              time and see if you can schedule time during a    you, will know you won’t be able to respond
              break or after the day’s agenda to grab a drink or   immediately.
              dinner. This will help you manage your schedule
              so you are making the most out of your time.      TAKE NOTES
                                                                It’s easy to sit and listen in each session, but
              Additionally, if there are any exhibitors you wish   remember to also take notes. By the end of the

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