Page 9 - AdminAdvantage_Janauary-February_2021
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              while we are driving or watching the movies.      attention on the meeting? Could you contribute

              Notice any addictive habits you have and try      in a more meaningful way? Would the meeting
              leaving your phone behind every now and then.     finish sooner if everyone did the same thing?
              Turn it off at night and see if it gives you a better   Some organizations now have baskets at the
              night’s sleep. Put it in your bag or in a drawer   meeting room door for you to leave electronic
              at work, rather than leave it on your desk top.   devices in. If the meeting organizer sees you
              Notice how you feel when you don’t have it with   on an electronic device during the meeting,
              you. Be aware of the experience without any       you will be asked to leave the room if you have
              judgment, it is what it is.                       something more important to attend to than
                                                                the meeting? What difference would that make

              5. When you’re working on the computer:           in your organization?
              Notice what happens to your energy levels
              while you are working at your computer. Do        Mindfulness brings some of our digital
              they sag after a while? How long before they      behaviors into awareness. Awareness leads to
              sag? What do you do when your energy starts to    self-empowerment. Once we are aware of our
              get low? How are you sitting in the chair?        behaviors we can then release our automatic
                                                                reactions and make conscious choices about how

              6. When you’re waiting: Our days seem to be       we are spending our time and energy during the
              filled with moments of waiting. We wait for       working day.
              the bus, we wait in the traffic, we wait for the
              printer, we wait for someone to answer the
              phone. Waiting and the patience it requires are
              a part of our lives. How do you feel when you
              have to wait? Do you become agitated? Does it
                                                                   Petris Lapis, Director, Author and
              help? Is there a better way to fill the time you     Presenter of Petris Lapis Pty Ltd
              are waiting? Would it be possible for you to take    providing seminars and resources

              three deep breaths and allow yourself to relax       tackling the tough stuff and helping
              without doing anything and without feeling           people succeed in careers and life.
              negative while you are waiting?                      Helping people succeed one thought at
                                                                   a time. Visit now to find out more http://
              7. Meetings: Do you take electronic devices
              into meetings? How focused are you on the
              meeting? How would it feel if you left your

              electronic devices behind and focused your

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