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What is mindfulness? In its simplest form, on your breath. Sure it is fabulous if you can do
mindfulness means awareness. It is paying it for twenty minutes every day, but if you can’t,
attention and attending to the present moment take what you can get.
without judgement.
Start your working day with ten minutes of
It is being used as a tool for focus, to improve mindfulness while your laptop boots up. Sit
productivity, to manage stress and mental health, quietly and bring yourself into the present
to improve resilience, to improve leadership, moment. Focus on your breath and leave behind
emotional intelligence and communication skills. all the things that happened at home in the
It is providing executives and their staff with a morning. Bring your attention to your breath
new way of working. With mindfulness training and the moment you are in. When you have
you are more able to successfully prioritize, be done ten minutes of training, turn your mind
focused, be more efficient, ignore distractions, and your attention to what you aim to achieve
grow emotional intelligence, more easily deal during the day.
with conflict and feel better.
Here are seven other ways you can incorporate the
Mindfulness gives us the ability to keep our power of mindful pauses into your working day:
perspective and focus (no matter what is going
on around us). It helps us to consider alternative 1. When your phone rings: Take three deep
courses of action calmly with the intelligent breaths to center yourself, come into the
area of our brain, rather than reacting moment and turn your focus to the phone call
thoughtlessly with the more primitive part of before picking up the phone. This enables you
our brain which usually takes over when we are to turn your attention from what you were
feeling stressed or under pressure. Mindfulness doing to the person who is on the other end of
helps us to remain calm and not get caught the phone.
in the grip of emotion when things around us
begin to get ‘busy’. 2. Before checking email: We have an almost
manic urge to check email as soon as an alert
HOW CAN WE PRACTICE MINDFULNESS IN sounds or we want a mental break from what
THE DIGITAL AGE we are doing. Instead of giving into these
impulsive urges, try waiting ten breaths before
Mindfulness training can be done any time you checking your email.
have a few spare moments. You close your eyes,
come back into the present moment and focus 3. When you’re checking social media: In the