Page 12 - AdminAdvantage_Janauary-February_2021
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              4. Checking the News                              room/office, the day is over! And you still haven’t
              In this day and age, it seems something is        finished what you’re initially working on.
              happening in the news every five minutes.

              So, it’s easy to use the news as an excuse for    The Fix: Plan your errands ahead when you
              procrastination. After all, we all want to be in   know there’ll be less traffic. Also, try to do your
              the loop when it comes to politics, sports, and   shopping when you know the stores won’t be as
              local news.                                       crowded and they’re in their least peak hours.
                                                                As for chores, set up one or two days during the
              The Fix: Force yourself to stay away from         week when you do all the dusting, cleaning, and
              checking news updates every half hour.            decluttering. This way, even if you see catches
              You can use sheer self-discipline, or you can use   your attention, you can push back in your mind
              a site blocker.                                   and wait until ‘chore day’ rolls around.

              One great example is the Stay Focused Chrome      A Final Note
              app. It helps you ‘hide’ certain websites for, say,   We all get the same amount of time each day:
              45 minutes. Then, tell the app you want to spend   86,2400 seconds, 1,440 minutes, or 24 hours. It’s
              20 minutes on the so-and-so website. After the    up to you to figure out how you’re going to spend
              20 minutes are done, the app will block you again   that time. Sadly, many of us spend our days doing
              until your next break.                            things that don’t really add any value to our

                                                                lives—or anyone else’s for that matter.
              5. Errands and Chores
              The problem isn’t with the errands or chores      The good news is you can train yourself to
              themselves; it’s when you do them. Running        focus more and have fewer distractions. Make
              errands during rush hour is one of the biggest    a conscious effort to add purpose and value to
              time wasters ever!                                your life and follow through. You’ll soon notice
                                                                you’re getting more done during your day than
              Doing chores is another. You might be sitting     ever before!
              at your desk, working away when you notice

              a dusty shelf or a cluttered drawer. So, you do
              the responsible thing and start dusting and          Take control of your destiny, work
              decluttering.                                        toward your goals and set yourself up for
                                                                   success in 2021. And for more workplace
              You tell yourself that it’ll only take five minutes.   and hiring insights featured in the 2021
              Then, when you’re done cleaning the entire           OfficeTeam Salary Guide,

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