From The Joan Burge Blog, a segment of her 4th Quarter Success Strategies

Do you feel like December is just a blur of days? Monday runs into Tuesday, Tuesday runs into Wednesday and so forth? Are things lightening up for you at work, or at they actually intensifying?


Well, just like we have the 12 Days of Christmas, I have my 12 Survival Tips for the Hurried Holidays! You can also view this message in video format by clicking here.

  1. Delegate as much as possible.
  2. Get those you support at work to support you.
  3. Set realistic goals for yourself. It's better to under promise and over deliver.
  4. Search for alternatives. Is there a simpler way, a faster way, a better way to do things.
  5. Focus on tasks of high value. Don't get caught up in a lot of busy work.
  6. Take a break! This will help cope with your overload at work. Stand, walk, get away from your desk for a little bit.
  7. Remember that you are human and you can only do so much.
  8. Keep a good, positive attitude! Be upbeat.
  9. Take a break at home, too! Sit down and relax. Enjoy some hot chocolate.
  10. Get the kids involved.
  11. Get away; don't have everything at your place this year.
  12. Just focus on today, it's all we have. We can only get so much done in a day so just focus on today and tomorrow will come naturally.

Joan Burge 

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