Category: Soft Skills

Are you happy? Do you want to be happy? Are you on an eternal pursuit of happiness? I recently found through a new, young speaker at my Toastmasters Club, Strip View Speakers, that there are really only five key points to happiness - which is what we are all really in pursuit of.

Nick Vadney was giving his first speech and I was watched him with my own nervous anticipation of a first speech (when I gave my first speech the butterflies filled my belly from the moment my speech began to the moment the meeting finally adjourned) I was quickly relieved for Nick. His content was great and I was engaged! I want to share with you what I learned from Nick.

altNick shared with us that what most of us want out of life is to be HAPPY! So how do we get there? It's actually pretty simple. A college roommate of Nick's shared with him that inside of each of us, there is a good dog and a bad dog. All we need to do to live happily ever after is feed the good dog. Nick shares five things you can feed your good dog to remain positive and happy throughout your life.

  1. Surround Yourself with Greatness - we tend to be like the people we spend our time with. Human nature is to adapt to our surroundings. You may think you are above the influence, but the fact is no one is completely immune. Make your circle of influence a positive one and you will be naturally positive.
  2. In with the Good, Out with the Bad - what do you fill your head with everyday? Bad news, depressing songs? Fill your head with positive, up-lifting music, watch positive programs and learn from experts on how to be positive. It seems like common sense, but how many of us actually practice it?
  3. Serve Others - the quickest way to forget about your problems is to help someone else with theirs. The best kind of service is the kind where the person you serve can do nothing for you in return. (I agree with, Nick! This just gives me the best kind of warm fuzzy when helping another, just because I can). Any kind of service will do but keep in mind, selfless service is the cure for the common bad attitude!
  4. Give Thanks - write down everything you are grateful for (and don't wait for November to do it!). You will be surprised at how much you already have. People of gratitude attract more of the same into their life.
  5. Verbalize Positive Statements Daily - replace negative self-talk with positive reinforcement. Say empowering phrases out loud every day.

altNick concludes that if you can't remember these five points, just remember...feed the good dog.


*A special thanks to Nick Vadney, fellow Toastmaster, for letting me share his five points to a happier life. I know our readers will enjoy it!

Jasmine Freeman, Chief Executive Assistant to CEO, Office Dynamics