Page 7 - PA_Enterprise_May-June_2021
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              How many times have you encountered difficult     that our beliefs and values differ from one
              colleagues whom you just couldn’t see eye to eye   another. Yet because beliefs and values are
              with? How often have you gotten into unhappy      what we hold dearly to in our hearts, it gets very

              disagreements with peers, subordinates or even    disturbing when our colleagues’ speech and
              your bosses? How many times have you left a       behaviours are not in line with our beliefs. Thus
              job because of interpersonal conflicts and office   conflicts occur.
              politics that left you sick and tired?
                                                                2. Differing Expectations & Blueprint
              If you are a human resource manager, a            Because we have different beliefs and values,
              department head, a team leader or in any          we also expect things to be done differently. In
              leadership position within your organisation;     our minds, we have “blueprints” of how various
              chances are you must have spent or are still      things should be handled and managed. Should

              spending a significant percentage of your time    we perceive that a colleague speaks and behaves
              resolving people issues within your team.         in a manner not congruent with our “blueprints”,
              Interpersonal conflicts and office politics must   we start to place judgments on him. When we
              have resulted in employee dissatisfaction and     judge and stereotype a person, it is just so easy
              lower productivity at work.                       to find fault with him, isn’t it?

              Wouldn’t it be great if interpersonal conflicts and   3. Differing Objectives & Interests

              people issues are reduced to the minimum, every   Almost everyone is in a job for the core reason of
              team member works happily and supportively,       earning money. However, we get into the same
              and there is greater work satisfaction and        job with different objectives and interests. Some
              enhanced productivity? Is that possible? YES!     people want to carve out a career and thus go
              CERTAINLY! But how?                               the extra mile, while others just want to make a
                                                                living and only do what is required.
              Let’s first take a look at what causes interpersonal
              conflicts at work. Below are seven secrets behind   Some people focus on the collective interests of
              interpersonal conflicts and office politics:      their team, but others hold on very strongly to

                                                                their personal interests.
              1. Differing Beliefs & Values
              Who we are today is shaped by our past            4. Differing Needs & Priorities
              experiences that shaped our beliefs and values.   People arrive at the same organisation with
              With everyone growing up under different          different needs. Some of us are looking to
              environments and experiences, it is only natural   fulfill our need for significance and thus

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