Page 19 - PA_Enterprise_July-August-2021
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              the basis for a healthy workplace exists at the   health. Seek professional help if you feel trapped
              leadership level. It needs effective intervention   in your position. But set a red line and don’t allow
              to learn the issues:                              anyone to cross it. Beware: effects of your toxic

                                                                workplace will spill over to your home, marriage,
              Unclear goals: Common goals foster cohesiveness   and family.
              and lowers conflicts. Clear team member’s role
              and team goals help combat toxicity.              “Leaders” who promote self and take credit for
                                                                everything are not leaders, but mavericks. Leaders
              Lack of trust: Trust in the leader and one another   develop and promote others, embed values-
              is the glue in a team. People work better in a    driven processes, and set and maintain the right
              supportive, trusting environment.                 culture in their firms. Research shows firms with
                                                                positive cultures do better in many metrics. They

              Poor team leadership: Listen, encourage, and      attract better talent, record higher productivity
              resource the team. Be authentic, humble, and fair.  and profits, have lower turnover, and higher
                                                                employee engagement. Arrogant, rude, unethical
              Lack of recognition: Thank team members for       leaders set unrealistic expectations, and create
              everyday tasks; engage with team members          chaos which foster toxicity.
              often. Give credit when things go right; accept

              blame when they go wrong,.                        A toxic workplace will cause burn-out at any
                                                                level. No organization is immune. Toxicity infects
              Poor communications: Ensure everyone is           businesses, government, charities, and churches.
              on the same page. Inspire, motivate,              Learn symptoms, identify them early, and work
              and reassure team members.                        to change the culture. Though some creators
                                                                of toxicity won’t change, help them even if they
              Sometimes one person won’t get with the           must leave the organization.
              program. Delve deep to find out the cause.
              Is something happening at home? Often, the
                                                                   Michel A. Bell is author of six books including Business
              employee has valid concerns she won’t discuss
                                                                   Simplified, speaker, adjunct professor of business
              because she doesn’t trust you. Maybe the team        administration at Briercrest College and seminary,
              member needs reassignment to workout her             and founder and president of Managing God’s Money,
              issues. Provide funding for counseling, if needed.   a mission devoted to providing free Christian financial
                                                                   and biblical stewardship advice. For information,
              CONCLUSION                                           visit
              A toxic work environment is harmful to your

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