Page 16 - PA_Enterprise_July-August-2021
P. 16


              abound as toxicity creeps in. Values’ statements   workforce. Give them a chance to ask questions
              need consistent decisions to affirm them.         about the business, and share their challenges.
                                                                With best intentions, it’s hard to eradicate a

              POOR COMMUNICATIONS                               rotten culture:

              Leaders build trust by action. Merriam-Webster    DISENGAGED EMPLOYEES
              Dictionary defines trust, the foundation of good   According to Gallup, the number one reason
              communications, as “assured reliance on the       people change jobs today is for career
              character, ability, strength or truth of someone   growth opportunities. Yet, most firms do not
              or something.” Telling an employee eleven         engage employees.
              months later about poor performance doesn’t

              help. Regular feedback shows care and a desire    Worldwide, 85% of employees are disengaged
              to listen, learn, and help the employee succeed.   versus 65% in the U.S.. Disengaged employees
              Employees need positive and negative feedback;    gossip, spread rumors, which breed toxicity,
              positive feedback alone is as bad as none.        lowers productivity and increases turnover. Any
                                                                wonder the average length of service of U.S.
              Practice the TAP Principle:                       employees is 4.2 years; 2.8 years for a millennials,

                                                                the largest generation in the workforce!
              Be transparent: what you see is who I am, which
              fits with core values.                            To engage employees and eliminate toxicity,
                                                                hire people of character, train, develop, and
              Be approachable: effective managers and leaders   empower them. And appoint leaders who live the
              listen, ask questions, and encourage.             entity’s values.

              Be predictable: apply core values always. If you   HOW SHOULD EMPLOYEES RESPOND
              see an error which lowered costs by $100,000.     TO A TOXIC BOSS
              Fix it because that’s right.                      One size doesn’t fit all. Dealing with a boss
                                                                with a toxic attitude (toxic boss) depends on

              When the workforce see core values applied        the situation. Is she a micromanager, a bully,
              consistently, they know who you are and what      an ignorant and arrogant talker? Let’s look at
              you believe in practice.                          micromanagers:

              Leaders must respond to employees’ legitimate     Stay one step ahead: feed them with project
              issues. Share company performance with the        updates. Don’t wait for requests.

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