Page 18 - AdminAdvantage_Janauary-February_2021
P. 18


              •  Have a heart-to-heart. Confrontations can        for your work, don’t be afraid to report the
                 be difficult, but having an open and honest      situation to your supervisor. Keep a list of
                 conversation can clear the air. Explain to       examples and approach the meeting as a

                 your colleague how they make you feel and        means for guidance rather than a chance
                 give them a chance to change. People may         to vent.
                 be unaware of how their behavior negatively    •  Stay focused on your work. Office politics
                 impacts others.                                  can be very consuming and distract you from
              •  Take it to the top. If you’ve tried all          your own goals and standards. Try to ignore
                 reasonable avenues and your coworker             what other people are doing or saying and
                 still tries to undermine you or take credit      focus on your own role within the company

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