The main reason for the development of the work portfolio is the changing conditions of work that most would recognise as taking place over the past decades. Jobs are no longer for life - even in areas which were traditionally secure. More people are experiencing more redundancies and changes of job. More people approaching middle age are on the job market and facing a more uncertain future.
![]() This pushes us into a new way of approaching the job market to secure this income. You can't be reliant on just your qualifications and job experience as embodied in a traditional CV. So you in turn have to look to your skills, analyse them to see what you have to offer, and find ways of laying out those skills for all to see. |
![]() A portfolio is the ideal way to do this. Just as artists base theirs round pieces of their work, yours could include:
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Though a portfolio contains some of the elements of a CV, it obviously goes further. It is more flexible, changeable and more of a continuous work in progress. It makes you think more about your intangible skills and how you can present evidence of them. Starting to gather a portfolio of your successes now can help most immediately with appraisals, but may be even more valuable in the future employment market. [Creating a Portfolio] |