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A Day in the Life of.... Roseanne Steedman
By: Andrea McKinney

Roseanne Steedman - P.A. to the President, Avon UK

Avon. It's a name all of us know. It implies, the cool and collected. The well put together, the socially aware, the epitome of woman, mixing career, good looks, and feeling good about oneself.

The concept of bringing home the bacon AND being the one to cook it up is one we've often associated with Avon and the role it's played in our childhood and grown up selves. No timid women here, and that theory on who and what Avon encompasses was recently borne out in our interview with Roseanne Steedman, PA to the President of Avon in the UK -Jerry McDonald.

Roseanne meets all the metrics one associates with the Executive to the Executive. Knowledge, communication ability, company focus, and more importantly, grounded as far as her career goals and aspirations.

Roseanne talks about her role (3 years as support to the CEO and 8 years in total with Avon) and being supported in her role at Avon interchangeably. It's one and the same for her. She's as good at talking about what the company does as what she does and she's proud of both. Ms. Steedman is able to quote instantly Avon's 9.6 Million in funds raised by Avon's Breast Cancer Crusade and comment on the "Have your Say" policy for employees at Avon in nearly the same breath.

We asked: Roseanne, "Did you always want to be a PA?"

There's a gentle laugh from the other end of the phone when she replies "I had this aunt with an old Imperial typewriter. I can remember playing with it . It seemed a natural extension

"What do you consider the most important skill you've acquired in your time with your CEO?"

"Being self directed and independent. When I go to see my boss about a problem, it's a big part of my position to present the problem and a set of possible answers as well, to act as a starting point for either discussion or action."

What's different about the daily routine at your level?

"I have of course the routine duties, diary management being a large part of that, but for my current boss, I find that I'm not typing letters, I'm organizing and playing an active role in Avon's success.

What single skills do you find the most valuable?

"Communication with Internal and external customers alike. Being able to say "no" when it's warranted, I do take my position as a gatekeeper very seriously, and my boss relies on my discretion and my ability to provide some occasional filtering."

Are there other skills you wish you had more experience with?

I find that at Avon I'm learning all the time, but Project Management is something I was very interested in, since I tend to do a great deal of it anyway. Avon just sent me on a very intensive outside course which I found very valuable, I had expressed an interest in the subject, not to meet their own needs but to meet mine which is so motivating.

What makes Avon a spectacular place to work?
"Avon is one of the top 100 companies to work for in the UK, but there's a family mentality associated with it, you're never a number here. They have an open door policy, called "Have your Say," and they really listen to us."

"My boss respects me as a person and a professional, and people like each other here. It's genuine, it shows and it makes my days go by so quickly, even on days when I feel that it's been a real challenge, I'm happy to come to work the next day."

"I do things that are outside the traditional secretarial duties, for instance I'm on the steering committee for the Direct Selling Association's International Conference in 2005 representing Avon . Avon is an exciting and progressive place to work. I think that our community work involving women and their issues, is a clear indicator that Avon really does care. And they care about me."

Of course, we had to ask a final question, a girl question no doubt, but then we're mostly girls out there aren't we?

Roseanne, it is hard to work for a company whose focus is appearance oriented? What we mean is, do you worry if your makeup is right more than the average office professional?

Again, came that infectious laugh when she replied, "Actually it's brilliant working here, you can go up the hall if you have forgotten your make-up one morning and get everything from a quick lipstick or mascara. When you're done there, you can head over to jewellery and try out what's new."

To sum up, Roseanne Steedman has the kind of job lots of us only dreamt about as less experienced PA's…prestigious position with a progressive boss, working for a company who cares about their employees, and women in the UK. Couple that with the odd trip to the makeup and jewellery departments and it begs only one question...Where do we sign up?!

If you'd like more information about Avon UK's Breast Cancer Crusade, click here http://www.avoncrusade.co.uk/default-bear.asp.

Day In The Life Series: We are always interested to hear from senior P.A.'s, or people that work in a particularly interesting environment or have a very special story to tell - if that is you, send a short message via email to cportman@deskdemon.com and we will be in touch!

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