Thanks, gee--no, I'd like something more like certain aspects of my current position and less like others.
In my current position I handle some minor IT troubles (generally just keeping the trouble tracking program running by adding new categories, users, and occasionally reassigning tickets, and answering questions) and I publish a great deal on the company intranet, and I support the contracts team by scanning, uploading to the right database, doing correspondence, etc. and I support the projects team by doing all their intranet publishing, facilitating their hiring of contractors, etc. But I also have more secretarial tasks like ordering food, fighting off cold-calling salesmen, and if you'll recall last summer they added "PA to the VP" to my job DUTIES although not my job DESCRIPTION, and despite that having nearly doubled my workload I got no according pay rise or recognition other than "thank you." The more PA work I do for this person, the clearer I have become about wanting never to do any of that again--no travel, no calendaring, no making nice-nice with aggressive people on the phone, no putting out this person's fires every day.
So what I'm wanting is to focus only on the first things I listed and being open to learning more things along those lines. Administrative, yes, NOT secretarial, not PA/EA.
Edited by dettu on 09/02/07 12:10 PM.