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Author Topic: Marriage  (Read 2111 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 1612

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« on: March 11, 2004, 05:50:14 pm »

One of my co-workers just got married yesterday. Being new here, and not knowing her all that well, yet, I didn't realise she was marrying another woman! (I felt a bit sheepish that I hadn't realized that when she announced her engagement a few weeks ago )  They got married in Portland, OR (which is about a 3-hour drive from here). I think it's exciting, like wer'e close to history-making events! And I wish them well.
Has anyone else had such an event go on around their workplace or with friends?  How's the reaction? Here, it seems pretty positive so far. (In fact, I think it's interesting, so many gays are nervous about coming out and then when they do it's no big deal.) Our employer has a domestic-partner policy when it comes to health insurance and such, so that's good. It seems to me that many companies are more sensitive and liberal about that than the government is.

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« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2004, 11:30:29 pm »

My company also has a domestic partners policy with our insurance plans.  I think the only stipulation is that the couple must be a couple for a certain period of time which shows commitment that they are really together and not just trying to get insurance.

I am not sure of how I feel about the same sex marriage but if the couple is happy together they should be able to stay together.  I know that same sex couples have had many issues with taking care of a sick partner and not being able to help them unless they were married so why don't they allow it then (except for some states now).

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« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2004, 04:46:23 pm »

It is not only homosexuals who feel they have to stay in a "closet."  Evangelical Christians often also feel that way, and today we are much more likely to receive a negative response when we  "come out."  (Fortunately, our Manual has prepared us for this--LOL!)

Our faith teaches that homosexual behavior is unacceptable (as is marrying your cocker spaniel--go ahead and look it up).  This one is not an issue for me, but I am guilty of so many other misdeeds that I should NEVER look down upon another person's sin.  (Although I have--so I'm guilty of that, too.) Never think that I'm better than they are, but also never say that their sin is "okay."  It ain't.  Neither is mine.

Folks don't like to hear it, but Christianity demands perfection (as defined by the Manual's Author, not by its adherents or detractors).  Fortunately, it also offers Grace to those who cannot meet the high standard (i.e. EVERYONE) through a Perfect Person who has already taken the penalty for us, and lived to tell the tale.  

Hear that noise?  It's the Christ knocking on the door of your heart.

Super-I am often ashamed of myself but never ashamed of the Gospel-Girl

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« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2004, 02:26:40 pm »

All I can add to that is...AMEN!!!


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