I haven't yet put together my list of goals for 2015, but you may recall my lists of goals from a few years ago.
This was my 2013 Goal List for instance:
http://www.deskdemon.com/dnet/index.php?topic=11239.0I'm planning to get my Advanced Communicator Gold designation in Toastmasters before June 2015. Speaking and writing skills are two areas where I excel, but I also work hard to ensure that they continue to improve. At some point I will likely finish my DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster - one of the highest designations they give) but need to sponsor a club or serve as a club mentor before that happens. I have all the other requirements fulfilled.
I wish to learn more about social media, particularly marketing campaigns, customer relationship management software, etc. I plan to give my little side business website a complete redesign next year. I have HTML skills, but need to update my graphic design skills and learn more about what options and security issues I need to be aware of.
I will probably at some point update my Microsoft Office certifications to Office 365 or perhaps 2013. Since I teach the certification study groups, it's important that I stay current.
I have a few personal goals I am working on as well. This year I learned to make cheese and homemade pasta. Sometime in the future I want to play with making my own sausage and work on some of the more complicated bread making. I'd also like to learn to knit and crochet.
I always have projects, goals, etc. that I am working on, both for career development and for personal development.