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Author Topic: Boredom  (Read 6423 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: August 08, 2001, 04:01:38 pm »

I'm absolutely positive that 99.99% of admins out there do not have this problem, but I do. I am bored. Yes, that's right, bored. I'm not talking just today, or this week, month, quarter, or season. I mean each and every day I am bored. I have very little work to do. On average, it takes me less than an hour a day to do all the things I need to do or are given to me. I have a few of my own projects, but they require very little time, or only take up a couple of hours a month. Most days all I do is sit at the computer and try to look busy. I read e-mail, databases, answer the occasional question, and fulfill the occasional request. Do you know how hard it is to LOOK busy?

You want the real kicker? It's been like this for THREE YEARS! This is the third admin position I've had at this company, and none of them were busy. I don't understand why I hear of other admins being so busy when I am so bored. I help all the others out when they need it, but I would like to have my own projects, and have my own work. How can I grow or progress if I don't do anything? How in the world am I ever going to make any more money if I'm not learning or doing anything new?

I like this company, and I really don't want to leave. We have good benefits, and they treat us well here. Plus, now that the economy is "iffy" I'm afraid to leave to go to other firms who might lay off a newcomer if things go bad. But I'm also afraid that this company will decide that I'm really not needed and do away with me!

So what do I do? I've asked for more work, I've helped other admins out, I've tried to be proactive and do things before they really need to be done, I've told the other managers I support what I can do for them, I've organized my desk and files, I've organized other people's desks and files, I've cleaned, I've stocked the copy room, I've made sure that all the printers have extra toner by them. I've talked this over with my manager several times, and I'm at my wits end. I hate being bored!  

Does anyone have any advice before I pull my hair out???
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« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2001, 04:10:33 pm »

Have you considered possibly taking some on-line courses?  Many colleges offer them these days.  You can work at your own pace, and when you have the time to sign on.  This can be beneficial in many ways.  First -- you don't have to "look" busy anymore.  Second, you can truthfully say that you are taking courses to improve your skills and increase your value to their organization.  That will show them you have the initiative to progress.

Then, you can tell them that since you're increasing your knowledge base, you're sure there must be a new project (or even an old one that has stalled for whatever reason) that can be given to you so you can "prove" what you're capable of.

If all else fails, do some research on what is really needed by this company but that no one is doing or has the time to do, and then make it your project (getting the boss's approval first, of course).  Chances are, he/she will appreciate your initiative.  It's worth a shot!!

Good luck.

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« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2001, 10:25:47 pm »

I can understand your problem....boredom is almost enough to make you crazy.....and having to look busy is almost harder than being busy.

I have a similar situation...there are days I could call in my work...actually would love to be able to do some of it from home-company just isn't at that point.  I am executive secretary for a director of finance company......he does most all of his own emailing, own report writing-I just need to make copies after he is done.....I gather information from a couple of people for a weekly report, they email me their stuff, I print, put package together and make multi copies for meeting.

I am working on a couple of projects for HR - I am developing a course to raise the bar on the quality of the admins in the company - how to develop an excellence rather than being below average - and do some of our admins need the training.  This came about because in looking around the company (and I have only been here a year) and seeing there was room for growth by the admins - to make a real impact on the company in the long run by being developed as a team.

I have also found some of those online courses mentioned in the previous posting - am working thru a couple now on Word and Excel, then will do a Power Point and Access...some of it is just keeping in practice of skills, some of it is new learning.

I would also suggest spending time creating an information manual of everything you do, how to do specific tasks.  A book of information so that anyone could walk into your place and be able to do your job.  I have also created a file index of all the boss's files, business card folder (he can find people by company name, first name or last name - depending on how he is likely to remember the person), and an index of marketing bulletins in a notebook.

Hope this helps some.....I know what you are going thru....and don't forget...someday you might look back and wish for these days again.

Hero Member
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« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2001, 03:46:38 am »

Write a book. No one will ever know - until it's published.

Use the Windows key-M whenever someone gets close.


Out of constructive things to say today
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« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2001, 07:27:26 am »

ocblnd - I'm curious - where are you finding the online courses to take in Word, Excel, etc.  Sometimes there's not much to do here, either, and i would LOVE to be doing something like that.  

Also, cost??

Thanks for the info!

tlc in (rainy, gloomy) TN
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« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2001, 09:14:34 am »

I have the exact same problem. I can never find enough work to do. I usually sit here all day and surf the internet. What little I do have can be done in 30 minutes to an hour.

Part of the problem here is that we rely on temps to do work. They would rather pay temps to do work a full-time employee can do.

I've approached one of my managers about the situation. I have a meeting scheduled with my direct manager on Monday to discuss my performance. I'm hoping I can make him see and understand that I need/want more work. Apparently his previous admin was content to sit here and look busy. Not me. I need work. I tend to get in trouble when I'm not busy.
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« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2001, 10:55:28 am »

Count me in; I have the same problem.  Usually can do my work in the first 15 minutes I'm there for the day.  The rest of the day I just have to try and look busy.  Most of this is because my 2 bosses travel 90% of the time.  I could probably do most of my stuff from my cell phone and computer at home; other than answering their phone lines and transferring the call to someone else or to their voice mail.  There's so much I could be doing elsewhere -- but I don't get paid for that.  I would much rather be busy and go home exhausted each day knowing I've given 110% than go home exhausted every day knowing I haven't done anything constructive.
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« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2001, 12:01:24 am »


I have found several places to take classes on-line.  There is the University of Phoenix,, and locally Nashville State Technical Institute,, offers a variety of classes on-line.  Also, Barnes and Nobel University offers free on-line classes in a variety of subjects, go to
Katie G
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« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2001, 12:36:25 am »

With a handle like "Smilin Sarah", I just had to say Hi and Welcome!

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« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2001, 01:09:08 pm »

one of the place I have found online training, web-based training...some of them are free, some you have to pay for.

other good sites are: - some fun stuff,

Full Member
Posts: 188

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« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2001, 01:34:05 pm »

Thanks for the information!  I'm familiar with brainbench.....but the others sound great.  I'll be checking it out!

Welcome, Smilin' Sarah and thanks, too for the info!


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