It's been slow in my office lately, since I'm caught up on all my regular duties. I had been trying to get my boss to approve some changes to org charts so I could finalize them and send them out. I saw him getting ready to put them aside (yet again) yesterday, so I told him, only half in jest, "You're holding up my work!"
He came back quickly, and rather sternly, saying, "Did I tell you to do this?"
Sheepishly I said, "Well, no..."
He said, "I haven't told you to do this. It's really my work, not yours, so don't worry about it."
I guess he could say that about everything I do, in the long run, since I support his workload and help him get things out in a timely manner. I've always been proactive, making sure the work gets done on time, if not ahead of schedule. I always thought of certain assignments as my own responsibility. I was hurt he would be so blunt. How would you feel about this?