susan silva
« on: March 09, 2011, 06:40:43 pm » |
Do you spend your own money on items or for something relating to your job? If you do, what do you buy and do you get reimbursed?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2011, 07:07:01 pm » |
No. It's not company policy.
In fact I can't think of any large organisation who operates in that way. Everything purchased must be authorised and a PO raised for invoicing purposes.
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2011, 07:13:35 pm » |
All the time. It depends if I ask for the money back. It it is for a group or expense that isn't selfish, I get the company to reimburse me. But most of the time it is, pretty post its, colorful pens, maybe some special paper to post announcements on. Those I buy and just don't worry about the cost. I found a very nice mouse / keyboard I bought. I was reimbursed for that, I found a nice cup rack for the break room, I didn't ask for money for that item. It really depends. I have bought staplers, labels, paper, pens, bins for storage, electronics, a clock, and more.
Gee, you were posting the same time I was, what we when we do make a purchase is issue an expense check. Big purchases do have to go through POs.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 07:15:34 pm by jennika »

Posts: 13
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2011, 07:24:21 pm » |
Does buying clothes for work, work? Getting cute shoes to match and look good in the office count? I can add accessories for my overall package! No, I don't make purchases for the company. My boss is extremely budget cheap! If I thought of it, I would bring in colored post its or fun items like Jennika, but when I am shopping, work is the last thing on my mind. Well, except for the purchasing work attire that looks nice.
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2011, 07:57:13 pm » |
believe it or not potting soil for plants, and christmas cards....
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2011, 08:31:56 pm » |
Gee, you were posting the same time I was, what we when we do make a purchase is issue an expense check. Big purchases do have to go through POs. Jennika, Employees can only claim expenses incurred during business trips. We do not purchase anything without approval or raising the appropriate paperwork. I guess smaller companies operate differently.

Posts: 32
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2011, 08:49:34 am » |
I think it is different depending on the size of the company and the company culture. I have worked at a start up where I purchased everything from light bulbs, to computers and was reimbursed (I even brought in toilet paper at times!) As the company got bigger, more procedures were put in place, we developed contracts with vendors and looked for corporate discounts. I have also worked for large companies (a national bank) where if I was to purchase something for work, I was on my own. No reimbursing and it had to be for me. No software, no equipment. At my current position, most of the people can't purchase items and get reimbursed but due to my position and who I work for. I just was issued a company credit card so wont have to expense anything any more. There were times I would pick up bagels or donuts for a meeting, or if we were at an offsite and needed poster board paper, if a visitor needed a taxi, I would put it on my credit card.
I too have bought potting soil and new pot! This poor plant's roots were so cramped!
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2011, 09:27:54 am » |
I just was issued a company credit card so wont have to expense anything any more. Becky, My travellers have a company credit card but they pay the bill and claim back expenses. Does your company pay the credit card bill directly or do you pay it?

Posts: 32
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2011, 05:39:25 pm » |
I was paying the bill, it was my own credit card. I would submit a claim and get reimbursed once a month. There were times it took over 2 months to get my money back. 2 months ago I was finally issued a company credit card. Now they pay it.
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2011, 08:00:40 am » |
I expense anything I buy for the office. However, most office supplies are purchased through the company.
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2011, 08:34:53 pm » |
My current company, absolutely not. Only things on company cards are allowed, except for travellers and even with travellers much of the stuff goes on a corporate card and they get a per diem. They can request a cash advance if they will need money. Otherwise, they pay for some stuff and get reimbursed.
In prior companies, yes, I have. Various things - trips to the post office to mail things, office or breakroom supplies, but then I would submit an expense report and get reimbursed quickly. If a company had taken a long time to reimburse me, I wouldn't have done it.
Katie G
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2011, 09:53:39 pm » |
A handful of times for oddball things that were "problematic" through our office supply vendor (no rhyme or reason to it), and were too small for a purchase order (always a painful experience here.) For instance, one morning on the way in to work, I stopped at Target and picked up a wall clock for the office. About $20. For some reason, we couldn't order it through our office supply vendor, and yet the idea of a purchase order for a $20 wall clock (and waiting the 6 weeks for approval) was just ridiculous. I was reimbursed through an expense report.
I've also been reimbursed for mileage and parking for offsite meetings, gift wrap and gift bags for events, that kind of stuff.
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2011, 11:16:18 am » |
I put in an expense report just about every week, in order to cover my purchases of bottled water, pop, breakfast treats, and cookies for meetings.
Now and then I'll buy stationery items if our supplier catalog does not contain what I need, and will be reimbursed for that.