Jackie G
« on: November 23, 2012, 01:15:18 pm » |
Have realised it's quite quiet and that's because our American users are on holiday, recovering no doubt from a lovely Thanksgiving dinner yesterday! Hope you all had a nice break with your families and friends!
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2012, 03:39:17 pm » |
Thank you! Had a lovely day with family. Quite proud of myself. Have not checked the work iPhone yet! Logged off Wed. Afternoon and committed to a few days of R & R! Thankful for my job and the opportunity to work for two wonderful leaders, but do need a break for me. Going to step out later with hubby for lunch and a little shopping. Might even take in some Christmas lights this evening. Will be back on Monday. This weekend is MINE:-) Happy Holidays!
Katie G
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2012, 02:58:27 pm » |
I was grateful to have my father-in-law home from post-op rehab in time for Thanksgiving. Turns out, my sister-in-law and I make a pretty decent team in the kitchen, so between the two of us we pulled off a good dinner and were able to give my MIL a much needed rest.
Friday and Saturday, DH and I gave the house a good tidy-up/scrub-down in preparation for Christmas decorating. I don't "do" Black Friday shopping. I live a stone's throw from a fairly large shopping mall and the traffic is just horrendous and I don't do well with crowds. Sunday, after church we just chilled and ordered a pizza for dinner.
All in all, a nice break.
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2012, 04:43:18 pm » |
We went to mother in laws the weekend before Thanksgiving to meet up with sister who was also in town. So Thanksgiving for us was just the two of us, but it was lovely nonetheless. Got the christmas tree put up this weekend. 
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2012, 07:49:32 pm » |
We made our annual Thanksgiving trek to the MIL's. Drama held court again this year, just like always. But it was still nice to see her and let the grandkids enjoy some time with her. And I got to see our oldest two children... first time in a year there too, and that more than made up for dealing with the drama.
I did Black Friday, but did mine all online. It's amazing that you can normally get the same deals as in the store, but from home on the computer and oftentimes hours before they become available in the stores. I was watching while they reported a line of shoppers camped out outside of Toys R Us waiting for the opening and what some of them were going for... and lo and behold, I was sitting at my kitchen table, with family around me and in the warmth, and got those same deals at Toys R Us.com. By midnight, I had all my shopping I needed to do completed, paid for, and en route to my house, all without leaving the comfort of my home and jammies. Of course, this is the year that hubby decided he wanted to do some shopping, so we still ended up going out, but it was for odds and ends that we needed to go in store to see or stuff that couldn't be shipped, and we didn't have to deal with lots of crowds or anything as we didn't have to be there at "opening rush". Was a quite nice experience all around.