« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2001, 08:15:26 pm » |
You brought up what a lot of people don't realize about credit counseling services. Using one does appear on your credit record. But you can still do what they do yourself. If it is a strain to meet any payments you have, contact the creditor and explain your situation. Tell them what you can do right now and ask if they will accept partial payments for a certain amount of time. I had to do that with my car. It was already financed beyond its value, but my bank worked with me and gave me enough to pay off my credit card (had to cancel the card, but I couldn't complain - no temptation to use it if I don't have it). I received a smaller payment for both the car and credit card together for 90 days and when that time is up, we are going to look at my finances again and take it from there. NEVER SAY NEVER. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
I understand your not liking used clothes. To each their own. I never turn down "hand me downs" for me or my girls. If something isn't our size or style I give it to Goodwill. But on another note, have you thought about putting some of your barely worn clothes in a consignment shop? We all have things we have bought, then decided we didn't really like the item and so barely wore it. Why not go through your closet and your husband's and daughter's and see what you have. This will serve a dual purpose of giving you some more space and a little extra income for other things. Might be a good way to get some money for Christmas.
Things can always be worked out one way or another - sometimes you have to just swallow your pride and ask for help to work them out. It doesn't happen overnight, but it happens. Make of list and work on one thing every other day.
I've been robbing Peter to pay Paul for most of my adult life. One thing I've learned is that its not the end of the world even though it may feel like it some days. I do the best I can and ask for help when I need to. I may never be rich or even financially secure, but my children are healthy and we have a roof over our heads. There are so many more who have so much less than we do.
Just take one thing at a time and one day at a time. All of this worrying is not good for you or your baby and staying healthy for your baby and your daughter are more important than any amount of money.