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Author Topic: Dealing with Setbacks..  (Read 21453 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 695

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« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2001, 05:50:49 pm »

Some of you are right.... I probably did make excuses as to why certain things wouldn't work for us.

But, the facts remain:

We can't break our lease without losing the $1500 deposit.

We can't change car insurance companies, because no one will take me with my current driving record (2 accidents, my fault each time, within the past 3 years) without tripling the premiums we already pay (and that's IF they accept me). I made a few calls today just to test the waters, and was nearly laughed at.

The car is financed to the max, with the best possible interest rate we could get.

A mortgage broker told us recently that going to any sort of debt management program would effect our credit ratings just as a bankruptcy would... and that it'd take 7 years before we could hold a respectable mortgage. Truth to this is unknown, but I assume there is some validity to it. Credit cards only make up a whopping $200 of our bills.

Hubby was transfered, yes. Why? Because he ran off his mouth to the wrong big-whig and got fired (technically). The only way he kept *A* job was to move. Seeing as he has no other experience to fall back on, and that I was 5 months pregnant....   we couldn't take the loss of his income at 100%, but at the time, the 7K seemed alot easier to swallow at the time. Hindsight, I wish we never would have left home to be here.  He works 55 hours a week, Monday thru Saturday. There's no time in there at all for a 2nd job (all be it, he's thought about it).

We do not know a soul in this god-forsaken town. No matter what we do, we can't find people we are compatible with. I have no friends, he has no friends. We don't have a babysitter, and can't find one that doesn't look like a gang-banger. Closest family is over one hour away.

The topic of money (and the lack thereof) makes me cry instantly. Sure, I grew up in a wealthy household... grew up in the best of neighborhoods... so, naturally I have higher expectations out of my life. It doesn't make me feel better than someone else... I feel to each his own.

I love my job... but I didn't take it for that reason...  I needed something immediately, and that's why I took it. To be honest, I probably would have turned down the job simply because of the pay if I didn't feel as if it were the only offer I was going to get.

Karen, I loved your co-op plan. I wish I could figure out a way to make it work for me.  How do you start something like that when living in a VERY tiny town, and don't know a soul?  How can you make that work when you are working full time, and don't usually eat until 8pm? I'd love to know... because it sounds interesting.

I requested a packet today from the county about starting home daycares. My MIL has one herself, and I spent a long Sunday talking to her about it. Maybe it could work, maybe it's better left alone. We'll see...

Just sign me.....swinging at the knot on this old, worn out rope....

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