One of my co-workers just got married yesterday. Being new here, and not knowing her all that well, yet, I didn't realise she was marrying another woman! (I felt a bit sheepish that I hadn't realized that when she announced her engagement a few weeks ago

) They got married in Portland, OR (which is about a 3-hour drive from here). I think it's exciting, like wer'e close to history-making events! And I wish them well.
Has anyone else had such an event go on around their workplace or with friends? How's the reaction? Here, it seems pretty positive so far. (In fact, I think it's interesting, so many gays are nervous about coming out and then when they do it's no big deal.) Our employer has a domestic-partner policy when it comes to health insurance and such, so that's good. It seems to me that many companies are more sensitive and liberal about that than the government is.