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Author Topic: Week of February 2nd-Dishonest Coworkers?  (Read 35166 times)
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« on: February 02, 2004, 10:54:40 am »

In the work day world we often see things we shouldn't (or wish we hadn't!)From stealing paperclips to embellishing Resumes/CV's and sometimes much MUCH bigger dishonesties, such as Enron like document shredding.   While there are ethical companies and employers out there, there are some that leave a bit to be desired.

So this week's question is about honesty.  Where have you seen dishonesty in the workplace and what have you done about it?  Why do you think people who would not consider being dishonest in other circumstances somehow think it's okay to lie on a job application or take home a case of copy paper? what is it about our work places that sometimes allows individuals to carry over less than ethical practice?



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« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2004, 01:14:20 pm »

Interesting one this - I believe because we are in work 7/8+hours a day and are getting paid to do a job, employees believe they are entitled to help themselves to whatever is on offer.  It's not the first time I've heard of someone eating another person's lunch food from the fridge just because it's there.

I think lots of people at one stage or another have "tweaked" their CV in applying for a particular job.  These days it's dog eat dog in the job world and everyone is fighting to get up that promotion ladder or even onto the bottom rung.  

Stealing and dishonesty can also be in the form of stealing time eg. lying on your flexi sheet, taking a long lunch and recording a short one.  Civil servants in NI are especially renowned for this sort of thing, altho not all of them, I might add!  Can you believe they think it's ok to do nothing from 9-5 then stay behind work 2 hours and claim overtime.  Taking a few paperclips or post-its home is nothing compared to this.


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« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2004, 03:35:45 pm »

I worked with a very dishonest coworker for 2 years.  Coming in late, leaving early, long lunches, many personal phone calls - you name, she did it.  I reported it to our supervisor while the employee was still on probation.  They did nothing.  I reported it several times during the 2 years we "worked" together (or rather while I worked and she did nothing).  The supervisor never did anything about it except get on my case and get me labeled as a troublemaker.  So, I learned that, at least in my company, they would rather have dishonest employees who do not give a fair days work for a fair days pay than "rock the boat" and do something about it!  Lesson learned!!!!!!!!

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« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2004, 05:24:09 pm »

You just reminded me of that guy who stole property from the company and I am talking PCs, etc.  No one wanted to speak to the boss about this but as his PA, I started to feel I had to speak up.  Although the boss was very grateful I shared what I knew, he had spoken highly of that guy so it came as a bit of a shock to him.  Nevertheless the guy got made redundant for other reasons a year later.  
After confiding into my boss, I felt more and more uncomfortable in my job and I ended up looking for something else and left as soon as I could.  

When I think that even the accountant heard the rumours about that guy stealing equipment from the company, and no one would approach the boss about it!  Staff were actually afraid of that guy - he used to be a bouncer.

Like Gee said, a few paperclips and post it (okay a couple of envelopes!) are nothing compared to what other people are capable of doing.  

I could never lie on my hours, I always arrive early and leave on time.   I could have taken a two hour lunch today if I wanted as my boss called in sick and no one would have known but I am too honest to do that.

I think touching up your CV is a waste of time as you'll get find out eventually.  If you were to lie on your CV, it means you have to live a lie all through your work life in that comapny because you have to live by what was said in your CV.  I could never do that either.


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« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2004, 01:15:21 am »

There are two people at work having an affair.  The man has two little ones at home, and has been married for about 7 years..  The woman has a toddler at home and has been married for about 5 years.  Their affair is obvious to the whole office, because they take long lunch hours together, and then come back and use a private area in the afternoon.  Apparently they don't get in anybody's way, so they haven't been found out.

These people are not only cheating the company, but they're cheating on their spouses and causing a lapse in morale.  Management hasn't noticed there's a problem, and nobody is squealing at this point.  It's been going on for a few months now.

This affair is none of my business, as it doesn't affect my department at all.  But it irks me to see them getting away with it.  I really hope one of the lower-level supervisors picks up on this and reports it...they're the only ones who really see what's going on.

From my own department, I was once asked to copy  a thick presentation from a competitor containing obviously proprietary and confidential information.  When I did it, I wasn't too quiet about it, and those walking around me could see what I was doing.  It bothered me because I know these engineers wouldn't want their work stolen by a competitor.  They never asked me to do it again.

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« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2004, 10:47:00 am »

At hubby's company his manager was made redundant for phoning his staff to say he was taking a day off sick, but when he realised that no senior management had been in that day he changed his timesheet to say he had been in (he had already been warned about taking too many day's off sick without any underlying medical condition).

Due to other circumstances everyone thought they were very generous to offer him redudancy (with 3 months pay) rather than to just sack him.  However, having access to certain databases, he had the cheek to create extra benefits for himself in the region of £600!  The changes he'd made were so blatant that they were quickly discovered, and he then lost his redunancy package!

I still can't believe the nerve of some people, but at least he got his comeuppance!

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« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2004, 12:27:11 pm »

Very interesting peana - this just shows pure greed on some parts.  People feel they are owed something even when they're not!


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« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2004, 03:10:50 pm »

The guy in who helps with computers who downloads bootlegged software and installs it on computers all over the office.  Wouldn't think of walking into a store and shoplifting but is doing virtually the same thing.

People who don't work when they are here.  They are in effect "stealing" the company's time.

Jackie G
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« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2004, 03:46:38 pm »


To stray off topic ever so slightly re the affair first of all, keep well out of it.  There are reasons why folk who are married (on both sides, or one side only) go into affairs and it's their conscience etc and for you not to bother about.

On the other hand, if this pair are cheating on the company by conducting their affair not only in company time, but on company premises, well that's another story!  In our own time, out of hours and off the premises, we're entitled to do what we like - provided, of course, it doesn't infringe on any clauses in one's contract of employment! - but during company time, you owe your allegiance and concentration to the company.  Sure, we all have the odd flirtation round an office - it makes the day go by, but not full blown anything else!

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« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2004, 05:49:32 pm »

Many moons ago I worked for an international businessman, whose agent in the city where I worked was less than honest and took a vast sum of money (I mean millions) from my employer.  It was settled fairly quietly, but it was my first exposure to these sorts of practices.  

At the other end of the spectrum, I had to deal with a receptionist at one of my workplaces who spent all day on email to her friends and put the switchboard on answer-machine whilst she trotted off to make calls on her mobile to her friends.  Then there was a temporary assistant I had who appeared to have "lost" ten years somewhere on her CV - so cleverly concealed that I had to plot out her jobs and assignments in order to discover that she couldn't account for a good half of her working life!  What twanged my antennae in her case was that she claimed to have studied at the same business college as me, but didn't know any of the other staff or students.  I can't resist a puzzle ...  She left soon after, because Bossie eventually realized that she didn't cut the mustard, so to speak.

I could tell a few other horror stories.  What I would do in any matter of dishonesty would depend on the gravity of the situation.  One always has to bear in mind that if you know about something really serious and the matter comes to light, and it also comes to light that you knew and did nothing, then you also might be in trouble.  

I guess what I am trying to say is that one has to use one's judgement in what one does with information.  It can take real courage to blow the whistle.


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« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2004, 01:29:41 pm »

A supervisor in my office has been suffering for years from some kind of mental/emotional problem.  Because of this, she hardly ever comes into the office, instead claiming that she is working at home, running errands for the job, or is out sick.  (If only I had as much vacation/sick time as she seems to!)  

Everyone knows about her, but no one in authority does anything.  They say they feel sorry for her.  In the meantime, the rest of us are covering her work, and becoming resentful.  Plus, our business is a non-profit, and it is infuriating to watch every penny we spend, while knowing that she is pulling a salary and benefits without lifting a finger.  

It's not her fault--she is sick.  The problem lies with the higher ups, who refuse to address the situation.  In reality, if they were truly concerned about her well-being, or if they were looking out for the well-being and long-term good of the institution, they would insist she get help for her problems.  As others have said on this topic, they are following the path of least resistance.  "Do Nothing."

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« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2004, 03:43:13 pm »

Reminds me of a co-worker I had; husband had psychiatric problems, and we were quite used to her having to drop everything to go home to him, or coming in late because he'd been "playing up".  However, when he went into secure care elsewhere in the country, her absences and lateness seemed to increase, not decrease.  It got to the stage that I refused to answer her phone if she was late, or not in the room, I was so fed up with covering for her.  Moreover, no-one in authority seemed to worry - it was always "just how M is".  Even the girl who monitored the clocking-in sheets would make allowances for her - with her manager's blessing, might I add.  But if I dared to be a minute or two late because of traffic problems on the road, who was always first to berate me, loudly?  Yes, M.  

I know that she left a couple of years back, and managed to find alternative employment - I wonder how she coped there with her unique idea of "timekeeping"?

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« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2004, 03:47:39 pm »

This is a really interesting question.  A few years ago, it came to light that our receptionist was stealing money from an office fund that she had offered to manage.  Another co-worker and I discovered this.  Without alerting her, we went to our supervisor, then her supervisor.  We were really concerned because this person processed the mail for the entire office and we often received cash donations via mail.  

To my amazement, her supervisor didn't want to do anything about it, telling us "She's a single mom with a deadbeat husband - she's probably only doing it to feed her kids."  So this makes it right?!  I showed the supervisor a receipt from a fund-raiser I had helped with, for $60 worth of chocolates and other candy that the receptionist had purchased.  The other co-worker came forward with another receipt for large purchases from a home decorating party.  If this woman was truly stealing to feed her kids, she wouldn't have purchased these things.

To make a very long story a little shorter, a trap was set (by the mail supervisor), she took the bait and was fired, with her supervisor protesting the entire time.  I truly felt bad that things had to end that way, but I couldn't understand why a supervisor would want to retain a dishonest employee - especially one in a position to get their hands on large sums of cash.

It was interesting to read that a couple of other posters have also encountered supervisors who would rather overlook dishonesty than do anything about it.

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« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2004, 11:23:06 am »

Here in London a PA from a rather large Bank has just been prosecuted for fraud after skimming over £4 million from her bosses.   Not only has this now given all PA's/EA's bad coverage in the press what must her predecessor be thinking; she's probably being watched like a hawk.  What about her colleagues and the effect it would have on them? How could she think it was ok to skim money, let alone this amount, to feed her wanting of fast cars, fancy clothes and posh houses.  We'd all like that but in my position where I am trusted by my boss, my colleagues and the firm I would never ever betray that trust.  I dislike dishonest and selfish people whether in the workplace or out of it.  Yes it is a dog eat dog world but dishonesty shouldn't come into it - fight fairly or don't fight at all.

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« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2004, 06:23:45 pm »


The dishonesty I’ve seen/heard includes: 1) pilfering of office supplies, 2) submitting forged timesheets, 3) taking electronic/print data from “secure” areas, 4) placing purchase orders for items that were utilized for personal use, 5) lying to internal/external customers about a wide range of information/situations, and 6) falsifying superiors’ “ok” on purchases/projects.

Maybe it’s just the companies I’ve worked for…or maybe I simply have “old-fashioned” ideas, but dishonesty (in ALL forms) seems to be rampant in the workplace.


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