I filled up last Tues at WalMart. $3.94. However, I have seen up to 4.15 here in the Atlanta GA are. Goodness knows what it will be tomorrow when I get gas again. I am taking a few days vacation to help save on my gas bill. Gives me time to catch up on things around the house.
The annual merit increase did not keep up with the rising cost of gas and groceries. It's a chain reaction.
I paid $3.95/gallon last night and it took $50 to fill my car up. I was on dead empty. Thank goodness I get a good 30 miles to the gallon or more and drive interstate most of the way to work (very rare to have backups on my route). I've cut back on a lot of my leisure driving on weekends and I really miss that. I love to go out and "explore" the backroads in my county and those adjoining me. You can see some really pretty scenery when you get away from the more populated areas even if the roads aren't the best. Michelle 
Try 4.25 a gallon in upstate new york. Not nice. I paid 4.18 last night at a gas sale. They have Sunday .5 cent roll back day. Diamondlady Peer Moderator 
I have half a tank of unleaded 95 in my ever-so dead car!!! any bids? (only joking about the bids).

Posts: 1
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2008, 05:16:51 pm » |
Gas here got to 1.75 dollars! woo hoo I could live with that! (Montana)
« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2008, 07:32:11 pm » |
Petrol in NI now down to 91p/90p a litre which is great!
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2008, 03:50:30 am » |
Hard to believe in early May we paid 4.20/gallon now it's 2.18 and dropping. Wow! It's hard to believe the price has come down that far. It can keep going down, but, afraid come Spring will be on the same roller coaster ride. Diamondlady Peer Moderator 
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2008, 05:15:07 pm » |
Sunday leaving the BF's cousin in SW Virginia, it was $1.57 at the station by her house (and you can bet we filled up). 10-15 miles down the road it jumped to $1.77 and then $1.89. It was a three hour drive and once we got closer to home it dropped into the $1.77 range again. This morning filling up, I paid that but I've heard of places around here as low as $1.74 and $1.65. Has anyone else ever noticed that in so called lower cost of living areas, gas is actually higher than the high cost of living areas? Same with other resources like food. It seems that if an area is considered LCOL expenses are higher but incomes lower. Go figure? Michelle 
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2008, 05:20:35 pm » |
Michelle we had a news report on this recently. It seems gas/petrol stations seem to charge higher prices in some rural areas or towns where there is little competition.
I was surprised that this actually happened.
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2008, 05:26:49 pm » |
Michelle, I work in a city/suburb about 20 minutes from my house and gas prices here are significantly lower than they are where I live. For example, you can pay 2.20/gallon out where I live, and come here in the town where I work (and they are having gas wars) and pay 2.11, and falling daily. Whereas, out in the rural areas you are lucky to see the price drop once per week. Can someone please explain to me why you go to one mobile station and pay x price and travel 20 minutes to another mobile station and pay a different price (higher or lower). It's crazy. I hope we can see less than 2.00 a gallon soon in these parts, that would be awesome. We haven't seen those low prices in a long time. Diamondlady Peer Moderator 
« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2008, 05:34:58 pm » |
It happens all the time unfortunately ... my local supermarket is 2p per litre dearer than anywhere else - I live about 15 miles from the nearest city (Oxford). Also, whenever Tesco (always Tesco!) runs a 5p off a litre deal if you spend over £50 on groceries always puts petrol up by 1p a litre the week before the deal. What really ticks me off is that if - like me - you live alone, it's so hard to spend that much in one go. And then I pay the dearer charge on petrol. It's so aggravating.
They're all in cahoots with each other - very rarely will you find a garage that is charging significantly less than others in the immediate vicinity.
Oh - and have those others in the UK noticed that dear old Gordon & Alistair are dropping VAT from 17.5% to 12% (or whatever) but when it comes to petrol they're just going to increase the excise duty paid on it, so motorists once again are being stung by the double-taxation petrol? Thanks, guys.
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2008, 06:49:24 pm » |
Gem you should get your petrol at Sainbury's and add the points to your Nectar card. Points are converted to £'s and can be used towards your shopping.
« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2008, 09:25:48 am » |
I have got myself a Citi Shell Credit Card - Shell where I am always seems to be the same as the supermarkets and when I pay with the credit card you get 3% back and also 1% on other shopping. Better than nothing.
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2008, 11:21:53 am » |
Gee - we have both Tesco & Sainsbury in my home town and more often than not they're both selling at the same price (except when T is running it's 5p a litre off scam). It's obviously a price fix esp. as on the outskirts of Oxford where there's a huge great Sainsbury's too that their price goes down to the norm for the city.