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Author Topic: Embarassing Moment!  (Read 40975 times)
Hero Member
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« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2001, 08:00:06 am »

I know. What a dilemma!  Do you let the poor guy walk around unzipped or do you admit that you were looking at his crotch (not for that reason but you just happened to notice this!).  If it were my boss, I would definitely let him know discreetly but someone else....  At least if it's spinach in the teeth, that is sooooo much easier.
Hero Member
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« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2001, 08:31:16 am »

I learned the hard way not to eat a jelly donut while driving to work.

I took one bite and all the jelly went out both sides!

I had jelly on my blouse, in my hair, on my seatbelt, in my lap, and on my chin.

Luckily I had two napkins in my glove compartment and managed to wipe off most of it.

But it was still quite obvious. I rushed into the office, got someone to cover my receptionist desk for me and ran into the bathroom. I had to run my hair under the faucet to get the sticky mess out. Luckily we have hand dryers in the bathrooms at work so I was able to dry off once I had gotten it all under control.

At first the coworkers who saw me thought it was blood. But once I explained what happened we all had a good laugh.
Hero Member
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« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2001, 09:42:57 am »


I have been in that same position before.  You see the guy's fly is open, but you don't feel comfortable saying something.  How I've handled that situation in the past is by rushing up to a male, explain the situation and ask him to tell the fellow his fly is open.  Much more discreet and less embarrassing for all involved.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2001, 09:54:20 am »

You know, for either case, either a guy's fly open or a woman's skirt in her pantyhose... whether or not I tell them depends on who they are. If they are my friend, are generally nice to me, or I don't know them too well, I'll politely tell them to fix themselves, b/c you know, I want to know these sorts of things myself. But if they're mean to me, a jerk, or something of that nature, heck, they are on their own! Serves them right! I have told complete strangers about this kind of problem, it's a bit embarrassing, but you know, they are more embarrassed than you, and generally pretty thankful that you stopped to tell them.
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« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2001, 10:05:47 am »

I agree with ssc... if it's someone I know and like, or don't know, then I tell them.  Even the men are more embarrassed than I am telling them (and a quick matter-of-fact statement like "your zippers down" tends to take care of it).  If you're mean or hateful -- life sucks, huh?    My one way of getting even with those folks who make my life he77 on a regular basis.

It's also why I try to always be nice, kind, and friendly to everyone.  You never know when you'll need someone to be willing to point something like this out to you and don't want them to say "oh, it's her... nope, not telling".  
Posts: 13

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« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2001, 11:44:30 am »

All I do is bounce right up to a chap and ask him if he has a licence to fly that low!  

As for getting into the wrong bathroom, I was in Brussels airport a while back, and two of the ladies bathrooms were being cleaned, so it was about a half mile walk along the terminal to find the next one. At this place, the men's room was being cleaned, but that didn't stop all the blokes casually wandering into the ladies' instead! Obviously doesn't bother the Continentals...
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« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2001, 01:11:06 pm »

Yesterday a coworker I'm quite close to accidentally passed gas in front of me.  I said, "Uh, I'm not sure how to respond to that.  Bless you?"  She was embarassed, but I think this helped her feel better, because she covered her face with her hands and laughed pretty hard.
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« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2001, 02:07:47 pm »

Future.. I'm going to have to remember that line!  I love it!  what a casual way to let them know to check it.    
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« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2001, 11:07:20 pm »

Well I was walking down a hallway at work when I felt my slip slipping.. dropped right down to my ankles... There was someone coming but he ducked into an office as I ducked into the ladies room, so I thought perhaps he hadn't seen... until I walked the rest of the way down the hall and found him doubled over with laughter in the office...


Jr. Member
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« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2001, 10:20:35 am »

Spitfire, such a similar story has happend to me years ago, too:

I've had an interview for a new job. I was very nervous, and the guy I was talking to was a little bit, hm, arrogant.

Well, he walked away to show me the company's rooms. He walked through the door, and along the corridor. I followed him. Or better: I tried to follow him. Because they had waxed their floor, too, and it was very slippery.


So I went splat, and while falling, I banged on the wall on the other side of the corridor, too. Wow, it makes a terrible loud noice.

The guy just looked over his shoulder, saw me laying on the floor, and kept on walking.

BTW: I didn't get those job, and I'm glad about it  


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