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Author Topic: a woman dies when ignored on hospital waiting room  (Read 2722 times)
Posts: 37

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« on: July 01, 2008, 10:14:54 pm »

This is appalling!  I think you will  copy and paste the link, but it is about a woman dies when ignored on hospital waiting room floor.

I am shocked no did a thing for three hours!  Makes you worried to go the hospital!

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Posts: 195

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« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2008, 06:26:37 pm »

This IS appalling!   I am glad the staff involved there was fired!  My Mom, who is 81 and lives with me, has osteoporosis and takes heavy-duty drugs to help build up the bone mass.  About 3-years ago, she kept complaining about a sharp pain in her upper back and she was constantly going to the bathroom to do #1.    Mom, not one to complain about anything, woke me up on a Saturday night around 2 AM crying about the pain in her back.  I called a taxi and took her to the emergency room (located at a major, major hospital affiliated with an Ivy League medial school).  From the moment we arrived there, we were treated with disrespect and with a condescending attitude.  Oh, an old lady complaining about an ache.  It took six hours (and many trips to the bathroom) before we even saw a doctor.  Nothing they can do for her and send us on our way.  (Thanks to having medical insurance, the wait was minimal (catch my sarcasm here)).  Well come Monday morning, I go off to work. I get a call from Mom that she has fallen down and hurt her head.  I rush home to find her with a big gash on her head.  I call the EMT; and we rush back to the same hospital.

To make a long story short,  thanks to the caring staff on the day shift, we found out that my Mom had suffered a compressed facture of the spine, had a uriniary tract infection that was causing a chemical imbalance that was causing her to become disoriented, and a gash in the head that required 4 stitches to close.   All-in-all, my Mom spent 7-days in the hospital and another  45-days in rehab.  I was so ticked about the treatment of the staff in the evening staff that I complained and they had investigation.  I am happy to say, they have been fired.


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