« on: October 09, 2001, 02:22:41 pm » |
Thanks for the input - I called the training company and was told that their training is 100% guaranteed and not only can I audit one morning, I can re-take the entire course if I wish, with another instructor. I also asked to be called by a representative to express my disappointment in the instructor's unprofessionalism, and they were very receptive. Understand, my point is not to trash the instructor, but I want to give them some honest feedback about my experience. I can only hope the others in the class do the same, since from talking with them at meals and breaks, their experience was similar to mine. You know, I do believe the instructor was trying to analyze us! So maybe her background in counseling got in her way and she needs to hear that and learn to present the material the way it is intended. Now to get bossie to agree to let me go away again for 3 whole days!!