« on: July 10, 2003, 03:32:01 pm » |
Our employees receive a gift for their birthday each year from the company I work for. We change it every year and July is the month it gets changed. I'm running out of ideas. One year I did a gift certificate for a restaurant. The next year I did a gift certificate for the local mall (it could be used in any store at the mall). This past year I did gift certificates for Marcus Movie Theaters. I'm also told they did the movie passes one year before I started here.
We usually do something that costs us between 10 and 20 bucks per employee. I'm also looking for something that isn't too complicated. With the certificates we can pick up 6months worth and then whenever I see a birthday on my calender I can just reach in my drawer for a card and the certificate.
I'm looking for any ideas that you wonderful fellow admin's have.
Thanks in advance,
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2003, 03:36:29 pm » |
Gas cards have been a big hit in my workplace.
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2003, 03:51:00 pm » |
Or grocery gift cards. Chris68 Peer Moderator 
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2003, 03:54:23 pm » |
ohh... both of those are good ideas.
They are going on my list to present to the boss.
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2003, 04:19:45 pm » |
We have been using these gift cards for over a year and everyone loves them. I get mine through an online source at www.svmcards.com. They do charge a service fee, but they have over 80 cards from gasoline suppliers, restaurants, and an extensive line of retail stores, even American Express gift checks. (I justify the small fee by explaining that otherwise I'd have to go and get the cards, thus leaving my phones uncovered! )
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2003, 04:41:03 pm » |
Cash, CD's, Coffee Shops, ie Starbucks (I know not everyone likes coffee but you can mix em). Chris68 Peer Moderator  Edited by chris68 on 10/07/03 04:42 PM.
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2003, 08:10:55 pm » |
I LOVE books - if you were in Canada, I would suggest a Chapters gift certificate, what about Barnes and Noble? Chapters has books, magazines, videos, DVDs, CDs, etc. so even if you don't like to read there is something for everyone. Is B&N like that, too?
Katie G
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2003, 08:17:38 pm » |
American Express Gift Cheques are usable just about anywhere. More versatile than a gift certificate/card, but without the "tackiness" of just giving cash......
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2003, 08:22:29 pm » |
ohhhh..... I like all the suggestions so far... but really love the Barnes and noble idea. After hearing some of these, I just can't help but question why I couldn't think of some of them.
I am making my list for the boss. You guys are the best.
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2003, 06:04:09 am » |
I definitely do like the gift card ideas.
Our company, for the last year, has been giving a wonderful silver keychair with a star and a disc say "Happy Birthday" on one side and the company name on the other side. It makes it practical and a keepsake type item.
We are looking at silver picture frames for the coming year.
Just a couple more ideas
A word of caution on the picture frames - our company gives them out for length of service - it's the 15-year award. Unfortunately, with the company name and logo very prominently displayed on the frame, it renders it unusable. After all, there is no one in my family whose picture I would put in that frame and then display it in my house with the company name and logo on it! And this isn't just my opinion. I don't know a single employee who has used the frame. Mine is in my storage room still in the box it came in. Oh yeah - I think one woman said she put her dog's picture in it because she figured he wouldn't mind being displayed with the logo!
I think if it's really intended as a gift/award to employees it shouldn't have the company logo on at all, whatever it is. It's meant to be a pressie not corporate advertising. And picture frames even with no logo might not be to a person's individual taste.