« on: September 02, 2005, 06:43:13 pm » |
$1.00 Canadian = $0.841186 US
1 Liter = 0.264 Gallons (US)
Therefore $1.34/Liter (Canadian) would be the equivalent of $4.26/Gal (US).
And the US has been lucky in our gas prices for years. While other countries are paying more per gallon, we've been paying little or nothing in comparison, and complaining about that then. We, as a country, have been using and using with little or no thought put to what would happen if/when... so now we're being hit with those issues and all folks are doing is complaining. Me, I just pull up to the pump and pay, thankful that it's not what it could be and what it probably will be at some point before it starts to get better. And I think the US has seen the last of $1.XX / gal gas. Now that it's gotten higher, and folks are still paying, I expect gas stations to keep higher prices. It may drop back to $2.1X per gallon down the road, but not for a while. I'm lucky that it's still only $2.59 where I live, but who knows for how much longer that'll be.
CountriGal Peer Moderator