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Author Topic: World Trade Centre crash  (Read 56104 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 852

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« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2001, 12:33:29 am »

Sitting here in London, watching in disbelief makes it all so much harder for some reason. The interet is so glutted with people logging on that our access at the office is intermittant, but seems to be okay if slow, from the house here, where I have gone to tearfully watch the same film over and over and over again.

It's difficult to express the feelings of sadness and outrage, and to know the true impotence which comes in the face of such evil.  There is no cause, no matter how just, how important, that would be worth all the lives that were lost today.

Those of you who are directly affected, my heart goes out to you, those who, like me can only sit on the sidelines watching in stunned disbelief the film over and over, and the billowing smoke that was once the trade centers, know that it's okay to come here and vent.  It's all we can do.

London has evacuated most office buildings that have anything remotely to do with governement functions and even 6000 miles away the reality carried thru internet and television is more horrifying than anyone could have ever dreamed. all flights back to the states have been cancelled and my trip has been extended, but know the world is watching with the same sense of outrage that you all feel right at this moment in time.

Loss does different things to different people, and we all lost something today.  Whether you're in the US, or London or Paris or Frankfurt, we all lost something precious today.

In the coming days, many will show the effects of this attack, like mugging victims, now afraid to go out in the dark, there will be fear and then outrage that so criminal and dark an act could be carried out on a sunny New york morning.  We no doubt lost colleagues today, people who went to work, and will not come home. People who did nothing more than get to their desks with that first cup of coffee before the world changed.

We'll keep this thread open and not move it to Topical Climates as we normally would for such a topic, and for me it helps a greiving heart to write.... so expect to hear from me....lots.


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